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  Saehyun rolls onto her stomach, skeleton on the verge of jumping out her skin from boredom. No phone, no TV, no other gadgets, nOthIng.

  Other than the luxurious furniture and massive private toilet in every of the girls' room, there's nothing fun.

  After all, no matter what, they are still locked up hostages.

 She slides off the bed to the velvet curtains, drawing it open to see rows and rows of bushy trees in the dark night and faraway city lights. A sigh leaves.

  Knock, knock.

  "Can I come in?"

  Sae faces the door. "Yeah, sure."

  Jisung slowly shuffles in, noticing how the girl is situated by the window. "What are you doing?"

  "Just seeing the view. It's not like I can just jump out from this height anyways," Sae responds, slight bitterness mixed with a humourless joke.

  Boredom is apparent in her eyes as she aims them to him.

  "We're going riding," the male suddenly, states and she stays silent, expecting an explanation. "Wear something dark."

  And he's gone.

  Saehyun flips the closet open and takes out a navy blue overall, pairing it with a black crop top.

  "Oh, looking good," she compliments Eun who's wearing a black t-shirt matched with a leather jacket beaded with sparkling crystals- chain choker encircled around her neck. 

  Jinae exits the latest and the sisters have their brows raised at the youngest- black turtleneck and dark, ripped high-waisted skinny jeans adorning her figure as her hair is tied up into a messy bun.

  The sound of heeled boots make the boys turn and they gape at the three. 

  "I knew we have good fashion senses but I didn't expect it to be this great," Chenle praises, proud because they are the ones who hand-picked all the clothes in the closet. 

  His comment only gets skeptical countenances from the girls and Renjun gets on his bike. "Pick a partner. We're going for a little trip." 

  Eunae unwillingly gets carried by Jaemin and she keeps quacking in complaints while Saehyun heads over to Renjun- resulting to a gloomy Jisung. 

  "Do you usually go out this late at night for trips?" She asks, slipping onto the big, fancy motorbike. 

  Renjun hums, passing her a helmet. "We're ridin' and rollin', hostage." 

  She lightly hits him at the used term- Renjun only chuckling in response, unaware of the pouty Jisung who's feeling a sudden cold rush and loneliness on his bike despite being used to being solo. 

  Jinae scans the options left before hesitantly picking Donghyuck, finding him the most comfortable and he sits up straight at her approach- quickly regaining his composure.
"You look like you're dressed up for a date, kitten."

  She catches the nickname and its way of slipping off his tongue immaculately makes her feel a fluttery type of way, pampered. "Really? I haven't been to one." 

  Hyuck's ears perk as he hops off lightly to get the extra helmet. "You've never been on a date?" 

  The girl shakes her head, drawing tiny flowers with her finger on the soft seat before looking up at the figure looming over her.    

  He gives a half smile, playful yet genuine as his brown eyes softly gaze dotingly- putting on the helmet on her head securely and brushing away her bangs. 
"This will be your first date, then."

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