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"Can you stay like, a metre away?" Eunae asks, irritated and Jaemin stares at her challengingly- stubbornly moving a step closer.

She sighs.

"Did you know how painful it was to sleep on the floor? At least, sympathize," Jaemin scoffs, rolling his eyes.

The girl crosses her arms, eyes set towards Renjun and Jeno who are getting the cars. "I slept on the floor first and when I woke up, we exchanged places. I didn't tell you to carry me."

Jaemin lets out an ambiguous chuckle before lazily dropping his gaze to her. "Well, I can't let the princess sleep on the ground now, can I?"

Eunae turns, meeting his eyes and quickly looks away. "Aha, funny."

She drops a snarky comment, ignoring the tingle in her heart.

They all climb in the cars before heading back to their hidden mansion- hostages blindfolded so they won't see their surroundings.

"We're here," Renjun announces and the captured along with Jaemin and Renjun, exit the car.

The one in command drops his leather jacket on the couch as he stretches his build.

"Do you have to tie our eyes up like that?" Saehyun asks cautiously.

Jeno turns to her. "You're all still our hostages. Remember your places."

It mutes the girls so quickly until Jisung groans.

"I'm hungry. Let's eat," the lad suggests, striding into the kitchen when a deafening screech erupts.

Members rush to the kitchen to see Chenle and Jisung looking somber in front of their opened high cabinet.

"There's no more ramen?!" Chenle wails in disbelief.

Jeno swings open their other cabinets and fridge. "But we do have groceries."

Jaemin groans. "I'm lAzY tO coOK!"

A bulb lights above his head and he turns to their three hostages- quietly lounging in the living room.

They look up at his approach.

"You three, cook for us."

"Huh?" The girls emit.

"We have every possible utensil that you'll need to cook so go," Jaemin shoos them away, pushing them into the kitchen and shutting the door.

The three look at each other, baffled and the silence of the kitchen reminds them of what they were told to do.

"Maybe, we can just cook Oglio Olio? It's quick and simple," Eunae voices.

Jinae picks up the pasta. "Yeah, I guess that's okay. We should ask first, though."

Saehyun swings the door open. "Will Oglio Olio be okay...?"

Her volume decreases at the empty room.

She walks out, searching for the brothers when incoming footsteps are heard from the stairs- attention turning to Jisung who's holding matte black folded fabrics in his hand.

He stops with a slight flinch- surprised before putting out his hand. "I brought down some aprons, in case you wanted to use them."

Sae gently receives them. "Thank you."

Jisung gives a subtle nod and turns away, hand rubbing his nape at the awkward silence but quickly focuses on her at her voice.

"The drink. Did you give it to me?"

The male gazes into her eyes, feeling a somewhat heart-warming feeling yet, nerve-wracking at the same time- causing a battle whether to look away or not.

"So, did you?" She asks again. His long pause making her curious.

He blinks. "Y-yeah. I did."

"I guessed right, then. Thanks a lot for that one too. I was parched," she says, lips pulled into a smile as her eyes upturn slightly.

An unexplainable flutter occurs in the lad's heart and he can hear the powerful thumps of it in his ears- gaze unmoving from the girl who's checking the aprons.

"Oh, and is Oglio Olio okay for all of you?" She asks, meeting his brown orbs.

Panic quickly floods in him. "I'mnotstaring!"

Saehyun tilts her head, not catching his blabber. "Wha?"

His eyes widen and he inconspicuously gulps. "I meant- uh, that "idea's charming." Oglio Olio is um, okay."

He swivels and climbs up the stairs, sighing in relief at his 'quick save'- patting his chest proudly at his good job.

Saehyun shrugs, lazy to think of it for now and returns to cook.

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