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  "You... don't remember?" Donghyuck asks, voice cracking more and more until a whisper.

  "She lost her memories- hit her head too hard. So she stayed with us considering how she only knows her name," Beomgyu explains.

  Donghyuck breaks down into tears and the girl cups his face. The delicate touch of her dainty hands is so warm and so affectionate that it's blissful yet, painful at the same time.

  And surprisingly, she starts sobbing- profusely.

  "I don't know... I don't remember but-" she croaks between her tears. "-why do you feel so familiar?"

  She starts bawling her eyes out, aggressively weeping and she pulls away her hands to wipe the tears away.

  Donghyuck chuckles weakly, trying to lift up the mood- not wanting her to shed more of her tears. "Well, for now, this will be our first meeting, then.

  He gives a half smile, playful yet genuine as his brown eyes softly gaze dotingly- putting on the helmet on her head securely and brushing away her bangs. 
"This will be your first date, then."

  The memory unravels in her head abruptly and a sharp pain stings, making her tremble and grasp his shirt to stay standing.

  "Jinae? Jinae! What's wrong??" He frets, holding her up.

  Her mind swirls.

  "Is it scary? What's wrong?" Jinae queries, rushing to her sister with Sae tailing but the scene unfolding in front, paralyzes them.

  Five boys stare at them, one having splotches of dark red on his face while foot is pressed against an inert body- lifeless, actually.

  "Run," Sae mutters and they all dash.

  "Catch them," Jeno orders- worry absent as if he knew they could never flee from them.

  With gaze staring dead in Donghyuck's eyes, she drops the bat.
"I am not weak."

  "Would you look at that, you put yourself in a risky spot, kitten," Donghyuck whispers, crouching down to match her height.

  "You're an innocent little kitten, aren't you?" He whispers lowly and it feels like a giant centipede just crawled down her spine.

  "You're asking me this like you want to die," Donghyuck scoffs out.

  "I don't but, I guess, there was something else worth focusing on than my 'non-guaranteed death' experience," Jinae responds and bores her gaze into his. "Something beautiful that's always misunderstood because people just don't take the time to see."

  Donghyuck feels that same, rush of beats again and he turns away- heading towards the stairs in inconspicuous fluster. "You're really stupid, you know?" 

  "Well, I can't help it. I'm a clown. Clown is equivalent of me," she giggles, tailing after him down the stairs- clinging gleefully while he keeps pushing her away, only to get her to stick again. 

  "AIYAYAYAYAYAYYAAAAA!" Jinae suddenly pounces on Donghyuck like a crazy squirrel and they slam onto the floor- her on top of him, fast asleep.

  "WhAt wAs ThAt??" Chenle shrieks, bursting, followed by the rest who are clutching their stomachs in pain from too much laughing.

  Hyuck stares at her dreamy state, her droopy lids flutter open and close. "Go to sleep."

  She whines, thrashing around under the blanket. "nOOooO!"

  Donghyuck flicks her forehead. "Just go to sleㅡ"

  "Give me a kiss kiss first," she cuts him off and puckers her lips.

  Hyuck gapes, shocked. "What?"

  "In all honesty, kitten, I'd love to taste those lips but, I know you're not really the one asking for it right now."

  Jinae stops thrashing and stares at him. He gives a half-smile and ruffles her hair. "Sleep tight, kitten."

  A pair of soft lips suddenly joins with his into a peck and for a moment, he's forgotten to breathe.
  Jinae smiles cheekily. "Then, keep this a secret from mS.JInAe."

  "I missed you," she whispers with watery eyes, hug tightening and just as Donghyuck's about to respond, she lets go to greet the others as well.

  "Nojam!" She squeals and hugs the older.

  "Jinae," he calls back, more calmer but his eyesmile flashes blindingly as he reciprocates the embrace.

  Tears glisten in her eyes but she still flashes them a smile- a bittersweet smile. "Make sure he keeps driving, okay?"

  Jinae lifts her head up to look at his face of worry before passing out at all the rush of memories.
I remember.

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