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  Vicious, echoing gun shots waft through the living room and Chenle cheers.

  The TV screen shows a sentence. LELE WINS.

  "I WON! Again," he mocks and wiggle his brows at Jisung- maknae only frowning.

  "How are they?" Renjun asks, stirring his cup of tea.

  "Sealed and silent," Jaemin replies, letting his fingers run across his lips in a zipping motion.

  Jeno taps on the marble island. "How long are we gonna keep them here?" 

  "Not sure. We can just throw them off into the sea if we get bored one day," Donghyuck suggests- only half joking.

  Renjun's phone chimes and he pulls it out. "Seems like we have another customer. Suit up, boys. We're going out and make sure our hostages are securely locked."

  Saehyun sighs on the bed, hand rubbing her starving stomach. "Are they telling us to rot 'til death here? Wait, no! No, no. Stop staying things like that."

  She groans, listening to the shouts and demands coming from outside as the boys prepare to leave.

  Rushed steps are heard, a distant harsh slam of a car door and the engine revving.

  It turns quiet.

  Sae stares at the door, burning holes through it. "Did they leave, already?"

  Her steps are soundless on the soft, thick carpeted floor and she sticks her ear to the door- heart jumping and popping when faint but decipherable footsteps are heard.

  Then, a loud, near creak.

  Saehyun looks up from her crouched position and sees the little, closed metal window of the door quickly slide open- rolling back like an egg when a bottle falls in.

  She glares at it, seeing it as a potential threat of trying to hit her in the head and murdering her.

  Her sister, Jinae, would've made a great article about it with the title: MISS CHEON SAEHYUN, SMACKED TO DEATH BY A PLASTIC BOTTLE. TRAGIC.

  Sae shakes her head, her sister's a clown.

  She flinches at a vague but shrill yell from out the door and finally, focuses on the bottle again- furrowing at the label.

  It's the bottled boba milk tea she bought yesterday night. Why is it here?

  Cautiously, she picks it up and studies the packagin and cap, making sure it wasn't spiked or anything before twisting it open.

  A clear click sounds- evidence that it hasn't been opened and she stares at the now, closed metal door window.

  "Finally! Where were you?" Donghyuck stresses, frowning at the younger.

  Jisung shrugs and climbs into the car. "Just around."

  Jeno steps on the pedal, the late night hours resulting in the vacancy and silence of the neighborhood.


  "And here I thought you called us to pay," Jaemin mentions- arms crossed and striking blue hair flashing under the light.
  "W-well, I thought it would have been better to apologize formally, face-to-face," their consumer reasons.

  "W-well," Jeno mocks. "You just wasted our time."

  The customer trembles under Jeno's sharp eyes that slice though his courage. "You can give me another weㅡ"


  Eyes turn to Donghyuck whose pistol is targeted to the bleeding, shot man- consumed by death.

  "It was taking too long. Let's just go home," Hyuck says, turning on his heels "What's for dinner?"

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