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  "She was a bully so, she wasn't really an 'ideal friend,'" Eunae states, unwrapping her burger.

  "First of all, she's not even a friend," Renjun comments. "Second of all, how are you guys so calm about this?"

  Jinae scoffs lightly- not in a mean way. "It's already passed. What are we supposed to do?"

  Chenle shrugs- munching on his fried chicken. "I mean, we can put a bullet through her head."

  "What theㅡ Of course, not!" Saehyun rejects strongly.

  "Heh, worth a try," Chenle responds and takes another bite.

  Eunae takes a long sip of her hot milk tea and the foam rests on her upper lip like a moustache.

  Jaemin takes a napkin and gently pats her lips with care. "Anyways, what are we gonna do next? The movie's not gonna start until later."

  He puts down the tissue and Eunae stares at him, feeling fluttery inside before turning away.

  "We can just walk around for an hour. The movie won't start until another half an hour after that so during that time, we buy our snacks and we'll make it in just in time.
  "We don't need anyone getting lost today so, if you think you have the habit of doing that, try to stay close," Renjun warns, specifically aiming it to Jisung.

  They finish up and start strolling around the mall, window-shopping when the guys decide to stop by the tech store for some new gadgets. 

  Meanwhile, the girls are trusted (okay, the boys are a little bit worried) to walk around themselves. 

  Half an hour passes and the boys exit with a list of what they plan to buy- discussing. 

  "Where're they?" Jeno asks and Hyuck frowns. 

  "Do I look like a CCTV camera to you?"

  "I think, they went in there," Chenle says, pointing to an entrance where the cube shops are kept. "I heard them saying they like to browse around at that area." 

  Following his words, they end up finding the three other, but with some uninvited guests as well. 

  "Do we have a problem?" Jaemin daringly begins, giving a fiery stare to the group of male teenagers who are trying to get Saehyun, Eunae and Jinae to hang with them. 

  The leader (assumingly, since he's in the centre) walks forward. "None, actually. Until, you all walked in and popped the fun mood." 

  "I don't know if I'm the crazy one for not seeing it or you're just damn stupid," Donghyuck snaps. 

  One of the opposing team of boys step ahead but their leader stops him. "Listen here, we were just inviting these pretty girls for dinner. It ain't a crime."

  "But, harassment is," Chenle monotonously responds. 

  "What'd you say, kid??" The rival fumes and Lele rolls his eyes at him. 

  He pulls up his sleeve, flexing his special, unbelievably costly branded watch that's made only one in the whole wide world and the rival team recognizes it. "First of all, we're probably the same age. Second, even my expensive ass can't handle shit like you so please, leave." 

  His comeback throws them off and another one of them decides to take over. "Bold of you to assume that we'll simply walk out the door just because of your unauthentic riches and jerkass attitude. This isn't your place." 

  Renjun puts on an exaggerated act of shock, gasping hysterically. "Wow! Bold of you to assume we want you to leave through the door when the windows are clearly closer!"

  Again, the rivals are taken aback and they change their players but Jeno's quicker. 

  "You're wasting our time but I'll give you five seconds to walk away from here. Unless, you prefer crawling," he threatens with crossed arms- arm veins bulging out while he raises his chin slightly and stares daggers into them with his sharp, menacing eyes. 

  "Shut the fu—"


  "Count on, jacka—"


  "H-hey, I think we should leave now." 


  "No, we're not!" The leader of the opposing team declines, protecting his pride. "We are not leaving until these cocky brats are beaten to a pulp!"

  Jeno sighs- clearly irritated and turns to Jisung. "Do you have anything to say before I finish them? You're the only one who stayed quiet."

  The younger shrugs. "Not much. Just that, I may or may not have a gun in my pocke- Oops, dropped it," he says- slowly directing his gaze to the jerks when his gun 'accidentally' slips out his pocket. 

  The enemies gulp- all making a run for it and as soon as they're out of sight Jeno turns to the sisters. Threatening eyes now soft and puppy-like. "Are you okay?"

  The three of them nod, smiling. 

  Jisung picks up his toy water gun. "I knew it was worth buying."

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