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  Donghyuck pulls his wrists that are tied behind his back, trying to squeeze his hands out and grunting furiously when he can't.

  "Can you shut up?" Shinhyuk asks abrasively.

  Hyuck glowers at him through his dark lashes. "The first thing I'm gonna do when I get out these is rip off your filthy mouth."

  "Who tied you down in the first place, huh?" Shinhyuk mocks, pouring oil into the fire.
"I have to thank you, brother. If it wasn't for you, I won't have known of this plan. I knew you were too much of a softie to actually agree with my plan.
  "So, I hacked your phone and read your messages. They were all so nice and honest- it was sickening."

  Jaehyun grunts, clenching the rope tied around his wrists in his hands. It's painful, but he's not sure which hurt the most- the torturous, burning line that's cutting his skin or the betrayal he feels from his brother.

  A jarring cough makes all eyes turn to the source- the pained Jisung, all bandaged up and but the blood still seeps through.

  He'll survive but he's far from comfort. The look of excruciation etched on his face.

  "You'll pay for doing that to him," Chenle spits, glowering with rage.

  Shinhyuk lowers his eyes to Chenle- irritated at the fearless look the younger's giving to him despite his helpless, restrained state.

  Mad shouts and frightful gasps erupt when a gun clicks and Shinhyuk points it to Saehyun's head.


  "Say ONE more sh!t to me and I'll blow her head off," the villain threatens, shutting Donghyuck off in a blink.

  The latter huffs, shaking from the anger flaring up inside of him and Shinhyuk arches a brow at his obedience. "Interesting. Who knew that the so-called most notorious and heartless criminal gang could be quiet by a threat like this?
  "I thought they were just your hostages."

His comment irritates the boys but, even they can't deny the truth.

  Eunae stares at Saehyun who's keeping her eyes on her as well before looking up at her ex. "Shinhyuk, please. My sister didn't do anything wrong. It's me you want. Free the rest."

  The male turns to her, grinning and drops his armed hand to his side. "Aw, sweet, little Eunae. You think I would just oblige with your request so simply?"

  His forefinger lifts up her chin and he chuckles vainly.

  But, her lips stretch into a vexing smirk. "Aw, honey, it wasn't a request."

  A knife perilously presses on his throat before it pulls back slightly, forming a threatening gap.
  At his distracted moment, Eunae who already cut herself using Saehyun's other knife which she passed earlier during Shinhyuk's egotistical act, snatches his pistol.

  Simultaneously, Jinae who's still stuck on her chair, stands and hooks the metal leg of the chair onto the knob, making it impossible for Shinhyuk's men to pass without breaking the whole entrance down.

  Cacophonous bangings on the doors follow right after she blocks the door and she sighs in relief that she was quick enough.

  Eunae quickly frees her and she leaves the door with the chair to untie the rest.

  "Listen. We don't wanna fight. We hate having other people's blood on our hands more than ever so let's just come to a conclusion," Eunae offers and Shinhyuk stares daggers at her- trying to appear brave but his shaking pupils tell another story.

  "I will never come back with you. Capisce? Like, never ever. So, stop trying because I've moved on," Eun declares.

  The boys of DREAM suddenly join her side with cold, impassive faces.

  "Great, then. Now, let's toss him out the window," Chenle suggests and cracks his knuckles while Jeno readily folds his sleeves up.

  "Wait, no!" Eunae rejects frantically and Jaemin stares at her with stony eyes, internally frustrated because he's desperate to snap his neck.

  "...fine," he mutters. "Let me just, just give an itty bitty-"


  He sends a cracking blow onto Shinhyuk's face, fracturing his nose and it bleeds profusely.

  "-slap," Jaemin finishes contentedly and the girls gape.

  The slams on the door turn more raucous by the second and DREAM prepare their weapons. Their first objective being protecting Jisung first.

  Hyuck holds the chair locking the door and Jeno nods.

  The younger lifts it up.

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