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  "They're still asleep??" Jeno blurts in shock and Chenle smacks Jinae in the face with the wet towel Renjun prepared to help them breathe in the smoke before.

  The girl's head bounces to the back from impact and remains hanging like so.

  Chenle stares in disbelief- oblivious to Hyuck's glare. "hOw iN thE wOrlD iS shE stILl asLeEP?"

  Jaemin kneels down, exhausted and gently lays down Eunae on the cold stone ground but his hand is still holding her head up as a pillow.

  "Wait a minute, where's Jisung?" Renjun voices out and the wild wrestle between Hyuck and Chenle behind him abruptly stops.

  Jeno looks around with Jinae in his hands and a smile on his face from watching the battle ring before it falters and his eyes frantically search around. "Jisung's not here." 

  "WHAT?" Jaemin shouts in disbelief and shock. "But, we didn't see him inside!" 

  "Shit," Renjun curses and makes a run for their home but a loud crackle is suddenly heard before the whole roof cracks and the broken pieces crash down with a large thunder-like noise. 

  The boys gasp, staring at their abode that's now burst in flames- the walls, the windows, ground around it, everything is ruined. 

  Shattering, falling, melting and turning into dust. 

  Renjun falls to his knees, image of the raging fire all reflected on their dark orbs as they stare with pure incredulity and grief.

  "No, NO!" Chenle shrieks, voice cracking as his legs tremble, plummeting to the floor himself.

  Jeno steps towards Renjun, joining his side and patting his back- biting back his own tears.

  Donghyuck gulps, his eyes stinging with tears and he raises his head up to the sky with shaky breaths.

  Meanwhile, Jaemin is just quiet, not hiding the tears yet, not bawling his eyes out either. Just standing with silent tears flowing down- hands gripping onto Eunae tightly as he pulls her in a hug.

  Flashes of their youngest brother play in their mind like a film- his expressions always in a smile yet their hearts break at the images.

  Distant, raspy coughs break their thoughts and they slowly turn to the source to find a limping Jisung- face and figure stained with dark ashes.

  But despite his difficulty to move, in his arms is still Saehyun- unconscious like her sisters but a wet cloth is placed on her mouth and nose.

  "Jisung!" Chenle shouts and runs after him but the younger stumbles- bringing both him and Saehyun to the floor.

  "Call 119! HURRY!" Jeno demands and Renjun quickly fishes out his phone while sniffing aggressively.


  Beeping machines and cold air. The brightly lit private ward holds four patients that have yet to awaken.

  Jaemin watches the bodies connected with wires and injections before sliding the door close and walking out.

  "It's been a few hours, already," Chenle states in worry.

  Renjun takes a breath. "They took in the most smoke. It'll take a while but they'll be fine."

  "It was a set-up, wasn't it?" Donghyuck points. "Whoever that man was that gave them that ice-cream was part of the rival gang. They slept the whole ride and didn't wake even during the fire."

  "It makes sense," Jeno comments. "The rival gang must've did that because they were expecting that some of us would die trying to save them."

  Hyuck scoffs- arms crossed while his head leans on the wall with shut eyes. "That means they've been keeping an eye on us to know that we actually care for these hostages."

  "Right and they'll know we're here sooner or later when they find out we're not dead yet- it's the closest hospital," Renjun speaks.

  Jaemin leans against the wall, half-lidded eyes lazily looking at his brothers before he pokes out his cheek with his tongue- starting to fume with anger as he recurs back the fire and the lives it could've took.
"We have to get out of here soon- back to our hideout where they wouldn't know. And maybe, find a way to bury them into the depths of the Earth."

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