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  "Excuse me," Renjun stops one of their waiters walking around the gala. "Do you know who's the host of this year's party?"

  The man nods. "It's Crucibles."

  Renjun thanks him before wandering to find the said group and fortunately finds the leader chatting with another gang's boss.

  "Demien," Renjun calls and the leader of Crucibles turns, instantly smiling cordially at the sight of another strong acquaintance.

  "It's nice to see a familiar face," Demien politely says. Both Crucibles and DREAM are a few of the groups that have friendly ties with one another without battle.

  Renjun grins decorously. "Likewise. I've actually been meaning to discuss about something- regarding the shooting that happened."

  A flash of panic strikes at the other's face- quickly regaining his prim composure. "I thought we were finished with this topic."

  "I wouldn't push this further if it wasn't for the fact that the culprit seemed to be doubtfully slippery- to be able to escape untouched and unseen by anyone, including the dashcams of every single vehicle around."

  Renjun drags his words, as if waiting for a certain response from him. "You're in charge of this party so your men must've been the one guarding the area. Did they see no one at all?"


  "Or maybe, during the guest inspection when the gala ended. You really didn't cross by someone suspicious?"

  Demien's fluster is apparent and he avoids eye contact. "There was a lot of people, I couldn't have remembered muchㅡ"

  "Remember, we're a few of those who promise to maintain good ties with one another without bringing our status, power and rank into scene.
  "I want to keep it that way but, judging from your actions, I don't know if you feel the same," Renjun pressurises.

  The boss of Crucibles gulp soundlessly at the ghastly sharp look of his eyes, it almost makes him want to tear his own eyes out just to not witness it.

   "It was-" Demien hesitates- brows bent down in reluctance yet, fear at the same time. "-Animus."

  Right after, a familiar shriek resonates around the mansion.


  Renjun rushes to the stairs and sees her amongst the crowd watching the final match between the newbies.

  The people are already parted, leaving her and the as*-grabbing culprit in the centre like in a boxing ring.

  "It's not my fault that you're wearing a tight dress!" The man tries to defend.

  Eunae pops out like a mole in a whack-a-mole. "eXcUsE mE? The dress has NOTHING to do with this! It's YOUR problem for not being able to keep those rotten hands to yourself!"

  He arches his bushy brows and emits a hysterical laugh. "So, now it's my fault."

  "It has been since the VERY BEGINNING!"

  DREAM are all now gathered at the site, ready to throw fists when a screech cuts through their ears.

  "My arm's hurt, not my legs! I can walk perfectly on my own so restrain your arm from snaking around my hip!" Jinae shouts at the man behind her but he grins tauntingly- sneaking his arm around her waist again.

  Saehyun pulls her away and up onto the battle stage with Eunae. "Alright, if this is the only way we'll get respect around here then, SO BE IT! BRING IT ON!"

  "SQUARE UP, BOYS! HIT US WITH THOSE NOODLE ARMS OF YOURS- iF you even can, anyways," Eunae goads.

  DREAM gapes and push through the walls of bodies.

  "What are you doing?? Get down!" Jaemin scolds, gripping Eun's skirt to which she snatches back and gives a warning glare.

  The first challenger comes up on stage and all eyes immediately turn to him- Jinae instantly recognizing him as the 'snake' and scowls.

  "I choose you as my opponent," he challenges Jinae who only stays solid in her place.


  The appalling occurrence when his large hand slaps the porcelain skin of her cheek- a red mark starting to surface.

  Her friends, the DREAM boys are boiling inside, blood pressure rising.

  "Just admit it now, babe. Your right arm's hurt and besides, you'll never win against me," he snides.

  Her left fist clenches strongly, trembling as she pants. Eyes watch, some sympathetic, some mocking her for being fragile.

  Donghyuck's hands are already on the stage, ready to lift himself up when the girl suddenly, looks up, raging eyes holding untamed flames and countenance more atrocious than ever.

  Her 'soft' side completely run over by the baddie.


  Her left fist smashes into his face- a loud, indisputable crack of bones heard and the man's legs turn into noodles at the sudden pain.

  Sets of disbelieved gasps and sounds of being amused to the fight.

  Meanwhile, a high-ranking gang boss is watching from afar before he takes out his walkie-talkie. "Do it now."

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