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  "We also, need to go bring the girls shopping soon. We have our clothes here and they don't," Jeno says. 

  Renjun looks at him. "But, it's dangerous for them to go out right now. They're targeted." 

  "Online shopping it is. We'll just ask someone to bring the stuff here," Jeno responds. "What else do we need?" 

  The others turn to each other- having nothing else they need at the moment. 

   "That concludes the meeting, then." Donghyuck rises from his seat- chair sliding back harshly. "Now, breakfast!" 

  "Why is it that whenever he opens his mouth, it's all about food?" Jaemin asks while keeping his eyes on the honey boy that's racing up the stairs. 

  "Because, that's as far as his brain capacity can think," Renjun sighs. "But, I'm hungry too so let's go."

  "Aww, you look so cute," Eunae coos at Jinae who's wearing Hyuck's oversized hoodie and the said girl shakes off the hood that's practically covering up her whole head. 

  "Thanks! I like how it looks like too! It's so comfy," she hugs herself- feeling the cotton fabric brush against her skin like a warm blanket.
"Your shirts are nice too."

  Eunae looks down at her white, long sleeved button-up shirt that Jaemin lent her- clearly, he's aiming for that 'wearing my boyfriend's clothes' for her.

  Though, anyone can undoubtedly mistake all of them for doing that since their clothes are literally a lot larger than them.

  Especially, Jisung's t-shirt on Saehyun that looks a lot like an oversized dress shirt that reaches her knees. It's already big on him and yet, he still lent it to her because he's scared his clothes won't be comfy enough. Cutie pie.

  "Don't you guys kinda feel these, I don't know, 'boyfriend-girlfriend vibes' because we're wearing their clothes?" Saehyun comments and Jinae squeaks- eyes widening.

  Eunae scrunches up her nose, imagining Jaemin being her pair.

  Meanwhile, Sae is playing a series of Jisung moments in her head- memories with the sweet, lovable Jisungㅡ

  She shakes her head vigorously. "Isn't this Stockholm Syndrome?"


  Is what Eunae hears before she's suffocated in a chest with strong arms crushing her.

  "I knew I picked the right outfit for you!" Jaemin coos as he rubs his cheek on her head, messing up her hair.

  She growls, annoyed by the extreme clingy-ness.

  "Aww, is the little tigress purring~" he babies and boops her nose.

  "I'm gRoWLinG, yOuㅡ"

  "Feisty!" He exclaims, cutting her off.

  "I can kick you," she threatens and a glint sparks in his eyes.

  Her breaths hitch when Jaemin brings their faces close, only inches apart.

  "Oh, but will you?" He slurrs.

  She gulps, heart racing.

  His lip corner hooks upwards complacently and he rakes his hair back before standing straight. "Thought so, cub."

  "What's happening?" Jisung asks, confused.

  "Hello?" Jinae sounds.

  The rest turn to Renjun who's clicking his tongue with hands covering the eyes of the two youngest. "Children, Jaemin. There are children in this household."

  "There are children in this household."

  "...in this household."

  All the bickers occuring around her is muffled as she dwells in Renjun's words- feeling all warm and mushy inside as a gentle smile surfaces.

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