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  "Here it is, the place we've all been waiting for," Chenle says dramatically- standing upon the gates of the waterpark with the rest.

  "The waterpark!!" He shrieks, running in with Jisung joining.

  "Wait for me!" Jinae squeals and chases after while dragging Eunae- halting abruptly.

  "We don't have swimsuits," Eunae points.

  The kitten ears on Jinae's head immediately fall- literally. It was slightly big and the strong wind yeeted it off.

  "What's wrong?" Renjun asks, seeing the pouty Jinae who's picking up her headband.

  "I just reminded her that we don't have swimsuits so now she's sad," Eunae tells when Chenji suddenly pops out of nowhere.

  "There's a swimming gear shop!" Chenle points at the nearby store before dragging Jinae and Eun with him inside.

  Ring! Ring!

  The bells chime when the older brothers enter with Saehyun and Jisung quietly pulls the girl with him.

  "You haven't chosen a swimsuit," he says and she blinks, staring at the options.

  "Huh, you're right. Which one do you think I should get?" Her indecisiveness comes out again and Jisung's suddenly in a dilemma.

  And here he thought school examinations' the hardest questions he would ever get.

  "Which one are you getting?" Renjun asks Eunae and she hums in thought.

  Renjun picks a teal one-piece from the rack. "How about this one?"

  She lays it against her figure and looks in the mirror. "This is pretty," she gasps slightly and Renjun smiles.

  "It matches your brown hair too." 

  She turns to him and their eyes meet. A smile stretches on her face. "Then, I'll get thiㅡ"

  "Wow! My little cub will look so pretty in it!" Jaemin breaks them apart, facepalming Renjun and shoving him away.

  Renjun scowls. "YAH! Whatㅡ"

  He stops when he sees Jaemin hugging Eunae tightly, rubbing his cheek on her head.

  "Should I just go...?" Renjun asks, uncertain at the girl holding a hollow expression- soul leaving her body.

  "Yes," she monotonously replies, lifeless while Jaemin continues to coo.

  Jinae stares at the violet long sleeved swimsuit in her hand, pondering when a swimsuit gets passed to her.

  "How about this one, hm?" Donghyuck suggests and she gawks at the two-piece, bold red halter.

  "I-uh," she stammers, inching back when he steps closer.

  He arches a brow. "Don't wanna try it?"

  She shakes her head vigorously. "Noㅡ"

  Her eyes shut and she squeaks when Hyuck lowers to the crook of her neck.

  "Just.kidding," he whispers, fanning her skin with his hot breath. "This is just a little payback for choosing Jeno over me."

  She shivers when he lands a soft kiss on her neck before walking away- giving a flirtatious wink with that signature playful, lazy smirk of his.

  He enjoys seeing the bright blush on her face. "Next time, choose wisely, kitten."

  In the end, he buys her an adorable soft pink, one-piece flounce, much to her liking.

  "This place is amazing!" Saehyun admires, gaping at the huge waterpark with varieties of slides and water games. "Which one shouldㅡ WOAh!"

  She gasps when Jeno lifts her onto his back.

  "Let's just play all of them!" He laughs, showing an eye smile and she shrieks as he starts running into the water with the rest following.

  "Cannonball!" Jinae and Chenle shout, starting to splash water and the others laugh, some complaining and starting to throw around the water too.  

  Saehyun runs away from the wild battle of water slapping, laughing but not in the mood to get her hair wet when she suddenly, slips.

  Her eyes go wide but, Jisung manages to catch.

  "Thanks," she sighs in relief and then, notices how close they're being- suddenly feeling nervous.


  Jisung abruptly swings a wave of water, slapping her on the face and her hair is now soaked.

  She gapes, frantically wiping her eyes and Jisung quickly drops her before screaming as he runs away from the chaser.

  "Yah! Park Jisung!!" Sae shouts, flapping her legs as quick as she can to chase after him who's laughing breathlessly at her attempts.

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