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  "Behind you- nO! Beside you- left! Right! WHYCAN'TIDOTHISRIGHT AHDHRJKSKSJSNSNN!"

  Jisung and Chenle chuckle- her panic amusing.


  The deep, edited voice sounds from the game and Sae slumps down. "Sorry, if I was better at telling directions, you guys won't have lost.

  Chenle and Jisung shake their heads.

  "No, it's okay. You wanna try again?" Chenle offers and Sae nods passionately.

  "This time, I'll do better!"

  Jisung starts a new game, both he and Chenle hiding their smiles silently while following the girl's panicked statements.

  In all honesty, they're experts in this game, they've played this millions of times.

  But, seeing how excited and driven their so-called 'hostage' is, makes them decide to play dumb.

  "What are you guys doing?" Jeno visits after long hours of research. He spots the girl who looks completely healed by the way she's jumping like a drunk kangaroo. 

  Jeno shifts his eyes to the screen to see Jisung and Chenle gaming terribly- he furrows. "I thought you guys were good at this. This game is from weekㅡ"

  "This NEW game is sO HARD! I wonder when will I eVeR be gOoD at it??" Jisung abruptly yells, pressing on certain words.

  He snaps his hands around furiously, communicating non-verbally while pointing at the girl who's too engrossed with giving directions to even notice Jeno.

  The latter raises his brows and makes an 'o' shape with his mouth before walking away.

  Jisung subtly sighs in relief and focuses on his gaming again- but failing when his eyes are even more attracted to the girl than the screen.

  Smiling like a fool.


  Donghyuck sighs, rolling over to his bedside table and pulling open the drawer- pistol seen inside.

  He checks the ammo- empty and his mind carries him back to a certain day.

  "Leave. GET OUT!"

  Jinae scurries out the room, her countenance a picture of fear.

  Hyuck groans, it repeating in his mind for a while now- bothering him.

  He throws the weapon back into the drawer- shutting it belligerently.

  "Oi," Hyuck barges into Jinae's room.

  He strides in leisurely before decelerating and his expression of stress softens.

  Faint snores escape the sleeping girl who's embraced by her fluffy blanket- lips slightly pouted and cheeks rosy from the cold.

  Donghyuck stands beside the bed, gazing warmly- hands pulling her blanket higher.

  She stirs and he leans back, afraid she'll see.

  Arms raise up as she stretches with clenched fists, brows narrowed in focus and Donghyuck holds back his chuckle- showing only his smile.

  A dozy smile also appears on her face as she stretches and her arms drop- snoring faintly again.

  Hyuck crouches, wanting to take a closer look- her expression peaceful and innocent.
"You really are a kitten, huh?"

  He remembers his reason for coming and lays a hand on her head.

  "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have shouted at you that time," he whispers. "I guess, I was mad at the fact that, even when I was so mean, you still refused to pull the trigger. You still managed to stay so...good."

  Jinae is still sound asleep, oblivious and the other half-smiles.

  "Thank you," he says and slips his hand off gently, caressing it at the same time. "Sleep well, kitten."

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