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  "Alright, now that all of you stopped being a pack of baboons, what's for dinner?" Renjun points.

  "Baboons?" Jeno echoes in disbelief.

  Chenle scrunches his face. "Ew, why would we eat baboons?"

  "No, I meant, "baboons??" as in a shocked way."

  "I don't wanna eat baboons!" Chenle argues and Renjun massages his temples.

  Donghyuck turns to Jinae- ignoring the second round of the battle of the idiots (according to him).
"You look like you're in a daze."

  She looks at him. "Do I?"

  Hyuck stares at her, seeing her practically engulfed by his hoodie and he feels all fluttery inside.
"You look..."

  Her lips purse, cheeks fluffed- anticipating his words with sparkly eyes.

  He meets her eyes, seeing them twinkle and puts on a frown act. "Ugly."

  Her happy smile turns upside down into a pout and Hyuck instantly feels an arrow strike his racing heart.

  "Oh, okay...." Jinae mutters sadly, you can almost see her kitten ears droop and she waddles her way to Jeno- sweater paws swinging.

  She glares at Hyuck, suddenly sassy. "No friend! I'll just be with Jeno, then!"

  The rest chuckle at her antics, surely soft at the youngest and Jeno pats her head with a smile. "Well, that's fine by me. I don't mind the company."

  Donghyuck feels something stuck in his throat and he glares at Jeno.

  The cooks- Jaemin and Renjun start with making their meal while Jeno and Chenle show the girls the online shops' websites.

  Hyuck is still salty and Jisung is flustered and stressed because he wants to compliment Saehyun but is shy too.

  "I'm done!" Jinae tells and zooms away to the game room to play the motorbike game.

  She hops onto the bike, ready to start when she's suddenly yanked to the side and is hung on a shoulder like a rag doll.

  "Hey, put me down!" Jinae complains, flailing her legs and arms around, barely giving any effect on her captor.

  "What was that?" Donghyuck curtly snaps.

  She huffs. "What was whatㅡ wOah!"

  Hyuck puts her down, frowning. "You and Jeno."

  "Uhhh, human interaction?" She answers.

  He groans, not wanting to be direct. "Of course, I know it's human interaction, idiot. What I meant was- ugh, nevermind. Just don't do it again."

  He mumbles the last part but Jinae hears it- letting her mind process first before reaching a conclusion and she gasps.
"Are you... jealous?"

  Donghyuck flinches. "Why the heck would I be?"

  "Then, why are you getting all worked up?"

  "Because, I-" he stops when he sees her giving him those round, curious and anticipating stare- just like the eyes of a cat.

  His heart is already crazy, punching against its cage to break free and Hyuck pulls the hood up to conceal her face.

  "Hey!" She exclaims again and Hyuck clicks his tongue.

  "Keep that on, I feel like vomitting when I see your face," he bluffs, cheeks and nose red from the overwhelming warmth in his body.

  "Meanie. This is exactly why I go to Jeno," she states and Hyuck frowns at the idea.

  "I'm the one who lent you my clothes, not Jeno."

  "So? What change does itㅡ"

  "We have popsicles in the fridge. You want some?" Hyuck changes the topic.

  A gleeful gasp leaves her and she pulls down the hood- raising her sweater paws up in the air excitedly. "Yeah! Let's have it together!"

  Hyuck bites on his lip, trying to restrain the smile threatening to surface and puts on a cold façade but gives up as soon as she shows that toothy smile again.

  "You're annoying," he says and flicks her forehead before walking away- grinning to himself when he hears the light taps of her feet chasing after him into the kitchen.

again, i'm just putting in a lot of fluff for this filler. thanks for reading!! <3

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