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  "We give you a proper room so be thankful and don't try anything funny," Donghyuck warns, shoving Jinae into a room.

  Jinae stumbles- lips sealed and eyes casted down onto the ground.

  Her arms wrap around her torso and her fingers picks on the sleeves nervously- vulnerability displayed.

  Hyuck sighs, indifferent before gripping the golden doorknob.

  "Why...why did you separate us?" She airily queries, voice stuck in her throat.

  Donghyuck scoffs and crosses his arms, tongue poking his inner cheek while head is tilted to the side- eyes lazily aimed to the girl.
"And let you plot an escape with your sisters? Hah, funny. Now that you're all separated, none would try to run away without each other. No leaving, no snitching."

  Jinae finally lifts her head, doe eyes looking more gentler than before- sadness swirling inside. "But, we're siblings. Kidnapping wasn't enough and now you want to separate us? How would you feel if you were taken away from your brothers?"

  Her words plunges a dagger into his chest- pain nonexistent but, something, something other than that causes him to feel weighed down.

  He glares. "That will never happen because we're not weak and helpless like you are."

  The door slams and is accompanied by a click.

  Jinae stands unmoving momentarily before making a bee line towards the bed- knees pressed towards her and forehead resting atop them.

  Further away down the sophisticated yet, dark hallway that is adorned with rich velvet and gold everywhere is another room of another sister. 

  "You stay here," Jisung monotonously speaks. 

  Saehyun looks around the room. Not gonna lie, their bedrooms have amazing interior. She meets gazes with Jisung who's staring at her- he breaks eye contact. 

  He swivels, heading for the door when a low rumble is heard. Sae's eyes widen, face quickly flushing at the sound of her hungry stomach- especially since Jisung is also frozen.

  Although his broad, strong back is facing her, she knows that he heard her growling belly.

  A breath of relief leaves when he wordlessly walks out and locks the door.

  "How's my little cub doing?" Jaemin strides into Eunae's room- at the far opposite end of the hall from Saehyun's. Her expression is still as he enters- stare only following him.

  "I'm not your little cub," the hostage emphasizes- mien unchanging but fists clench.

  Jaemin notices- smirk surfacing and he leans his head back in amusement, craning his neck and she spots the piercing at the side with a fairly small, black tattoo that goes straight down spelling, 𝖗𝖎𝖉𝖎𝖓' 𝖔𝖚𝖗 DЯΣΛM.

  "Something caught your eye?" Jaemin asks- pierced brow raising teasingly.
  Eun turns away. "No."

  "Really?" His pitch raises- mocking. "Well, my visiting period is over. Stay here and don't even think about shouting for help. No one else will hear you except for us but, I'd like some silence. So, keep quiet."

  A frown is present on the girl's face- agitated by the orders. "Make me."

  Jaemin's brow arches again before a scoff appears- nearing her until her back hits the wall, hands trapping her.

  His lips upturn flirtatiously. "Are you sure about letting me keeping you quiet?" He slurs, voice low and provocative.

  Eunae turns into a statue under his sharp yet, at the same time, lazy gaze on her- not to mention his resonating tone.

  His brown orbs rake her figure from top to bottom, tantalizing before connecting their stares again- lowering down his lips to her ear.
"Think again," he whispers, voice dripping with allures.

  By the time Eunae steadies her thoughts, he's already out the door- yet, his hot breath still tickles on the crook of her neck.

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