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  "Why is our secret HQ so bland?" Donghyuck asks, looking at their posters on the wall.

  Jaemin sits on the motorcycle of their racing arcade- eyes set on his phone. "How would I know?"

  "Stick more of those posters!" Donghyuck orders and pastes more stickers with Renjun.

  Jisung faces the wall, mumbling deeply to himself, rapping.

  Jeno strums his strings with eyes on the younger. "The heck is wrong with him?"

  Chenle taps his phone screen aggressively. "He's possessed. Don't even question it."

  Saehyun, Eunae and Jinae look around the secret place and the playful boys. Without the guns, unbelievably expensive, luxurious mansion and cars and all the killing, they're just a bunch of rebellious adult teenagers.

  And the girls can see that they're all interpreted as more hostile than they actually are.

  "Hey, let's sing 'Miracle.' Bring some life into this place," Donghyuck says, pasting a black sticker with his name on Renjun's neck.

  Jeno strums, playing the tune and Hyuck starts singing, bringing shock to the girls' faces.

  He's that good? But, it doesn't stop there when Renjun joins, and then, Chenle.

  Following are the rappers, Jeno, Jaemin and Jisung, adding beatbox and doubling the singers' soft voices with their deep, low tone.

  A perfectly harmonized performance takes place and fills the once quiet and isolated area- briefly knocking out the 'hostage' position from the girls' minds.

  "And that is what I call, talent," Donghyuck self-praises, flipping his brown dyed hair as he sits aside Jinae on the floor.

  "Ew." Renjun's face contorts in disgust.

  Eunae sits on the motorcycle racing game, abruptly falling off when it tilts to the side.

  The rest laugh at her, ridiculing her and she quickly stands- a cross look spread to hide the shame.

  A chuckling Jaemin approaches. "Not so feisty now huh, tigress?"

  "Shut up," she mumbles, crossing her arms and looking elsewhere when a warm hand gently holds her arm, spinning her towards the racing game.

  "Hop on," he invites after climbing onto it.

  Eunae wordlessly obliges and watches as he presses a few buttons.

  "You have to move the bike according to how you want to in the game," Jaemin instructs, making a sudden tilt and Eunae quickly knots her arms around his torso.

  Head on his chest and grip tight to prevent from slipping off.

  He glances over his shoulder and grins smugly at the sight of the girl whose wide eyes are staring at the screen curiously.

  Jaemin makes another vigorous tilt and the girl clings tighter, head falling to his back again.

  She can feel the vibrations of his figure as he lets out low chuckles.
"Hey! You did that on purpose, didn't you?"

  "To make you lie your head down again? Yes, I did," he confesses languidly and she feels a flutter in her heart.

  "Whatever," she mutters yet, keeps her head resting, finding his warmth soothing as her eyelids start to weigh down.

  Jaemin scoffs lightly, now only making gentle movements on the bike as she dozes.

  Saehyun throws a dart, cheering when she pops a balloon and Renjun cracks his neck.

  "Game on," he challenges and takes a dart. With great aim and tactic, he pops two and Jisung cheers.

  He looks at the gaping Saehyun but by the time she glances at him, his eyes are set on the competitive Renjun.

  Jisung gulps inconspicuously, trying to calm his racing heart- relieved that he managed to look away before she caught him.

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