Ɇ₱łⱠØ₲ɄɆ ₱₮.02

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  Tick, tock, tick, tock.

  The excited youngsters stare at the grandpa clock and right when the clock strikes 12, they shout with their arms waving high in the air.


  Thank goodness, Yoonie is already asleep in the other room.

  The girls also cheer before Jaemin claps his hands, catching everyone's attention. "Should we start with presents?"

  The others, except, for Eunae, exchange mysterious glances before nodding passionately.

  Jaemin pulls Eunae to the tree and gives a small box.

  She eyes him suspiciously before opening it up and her jaw falls, utterly speechless and touched.

  He tilts his head slightly to see her face as her head hangs down. "So?"

  Eunae looks up at him with teary eyes and immediately engulfs him in a hug.

  "Yes! Definitely, yes!" She answers the question put in the box; will you marry me?

  Jaemin chuckles, brown orbs glossy with his own tears but he blinks them away before cupping her cheeks and kissing her forehead warmly.

  He then, reaches for the diamond ring inside the package she holds and slips it onto her sweet finger.

  Spectators clap and sing congratulatory tunes as Jaemin enjoys the bashful look on her face, letting his finger outline her jaw before letting his thumb brush on her lower lip.

  She lets his hand rest on his, wanting him to just continue and his eyes glint, lips upturning coquettishly. "I think, we'll have to save this for another time, tigress."

  Eunae looks away, abashed that he could read her.

  A loud, abrupt gasp steals their attention and they all turn to Soobin who's pointing at Jisung and Saehyun. "Look! They're under the mistletoe!"

  The pair furrows, not remembering the said plant above them and facepalms when Chenle is standing high on the couch behind them, holding a mistletoe atop them.

  "KIss, kiss, kiss, kiss!" People urge but the pair is still bashful.

  "Oh, for goodness' sake, I'm getting married and y'all over here, haven't even shared your first kiss, yet!" Eunae roars aggressively.

  The crowd howls in agreement and is just about to start chanting again when Saehyun grabs Jisung's collar and smashes their lips together.

  All are in a frenzy and Saehyun lets go after a short second. Jisung stares into her eyes, entranced by her as his ears and cheeks blush more and more. 

  But it doesn't end there. 

  Viewers hold their breaths when Jisung starts to lean in, his large hand cupping his cheek and for the second time, their lips meet again. 

   All the commotion and teasing around them are muffled into nothing as the pair's focus is only towards each other. 

  She melts into his touch and he feels his mind and heart going irrational, unable to get enough of her. 

  By the time they pull away, they are both panting heavily, desperate for oxygen, flushed and their half-lidded eyes bore into one another's- intoxicated. 

  Saehyun suddenly tastes a sickeningly familiar flavour on her tongue and lightly touches the inner of her bottom lip, seeing the red stain on it. 

  "Wha- yOU bIT hEr LIP?? WHat in the world, Jisung? You're supposed to be soft!" Renjun gasps at the sight of Saehyun's bleeding lip and he slaps the younger with a Santa sock. 

  Jisung turns frantic, noticing the taste of her blood on her tongue and scans her worriedly. "I-I did? I didn't notice! I'm so sorry, Saehyun!" 

  She chuckles awkwardly, shy. "It's fine, I guess.." 

  "Y'all wildin'," Jaehyun comments, chuckling lowly and his wife turns to him skeptically. Says he.

  Jinae gapes, in utter shock at what she witnessed. "Wow, that kiss was just, wow. sPicY." 

  Donghyuck lifts his head from her shoulder and looks at her. "Oh, trust me. I'm 'spicier' than that." 

  Jinae scrunches her nose, turning to him. "Thanks, but I don't wanna know." 

  She's taken aback when he attacks her with a short but passionate kiss and she freezes, staring at him with eyes as wide as saucers. 

  But then, a tingling, numbing sensation spreads in her mouth and she jumps up, hopping around. "Why is it spicy?? What the heck did you put in?" 

  He grins mischievously and pulls out the fire Skittles from his pocket. "I told you, I'm spicy." 

  "lEe DOnGHYuCk!" 

  Unbeknownst to them, the rest have been watching them and is laughing at their stupid but, adorable antics.

- finir -

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