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  "She saved me from the bullet and got shot instead," Donghyuck informs when they're back at their hideout.

  The gala ended early after Renjun told about the shooting but no one could find out who did it.

  The culprit must've slipped out early or is really good at hiding the gun because no one is allowed with weapons in.

  "Thankfully, it's just her right shoulder blade but that means she won't be able to shoot for a while," Renjun says. "You can go in, by the way."

  Hyuck ponders before walking through their little medic room. "You good, kitten?"

  She looks up at him and instantly smiles, showing her bunny teeth. "Hyuckie!"

  He chuckles- bed sinking when he sits next to her. "You just got shot and that's the first thing you say?"

  "Shut uppp. I told you, I'm not that helpless," she states.

  "'Shut up?' The aUdAciTy," he scoffs and she shrugs- flinching at the slight pain.

  He sees and lets out a breath through the nose. "Thanks."

  "Don't mention it," she insists.

  "You didn't have to do it."

  "But I wanted to."

  "You shouldn't have."

  "But, I just did it and I'll do it again."

  She stares stubbornly at him and he blinks, her blinking back before continuing the stare.

  "You're not backing out from this, are you?" He asks.


  He chuckles and ruffles her hair. "Fine, whatever. Don't get too lonely here."

  She arches a brow skeptically and he walks away.

  Jinae lies down and shuts her eyes, feeling the painkiller's sleepy side effects kicking in.


  She internally jumps through the ceiling when Hyuck pecks her cheek but by the time she turns, his back faces her.

  Her face turns into a tomato and she wiggles furiously under the blanket to suppress her squeals.

  "Here are the list of guests," Renjun dumps the sheets of names on Jeno's desk.

  The younger speedily scans through while Renjun watches the CCTV recordings that Chenle managed to get.

  "Ya, look at this," Injun calls Jeno and the latter leans over to see. "There are recordings of every hall except for hall 4."

  Jeno furrows, staring intently and notices. "That's the hall near Hyuck and Jinae. The culprit must've been there."

  Renjun dials in a number and Chenle picks up- the sound of his basketball game blaring at the back. "Hey, get all the dashcams available from the party."

  "That's gonna take longㅡ"


  Renjun hangs up and continues his observation.

  In the kitchen is Eunae who's making a drink for her injured sister when an all-too-familiar voice shatters the silence.

  "Making some for me too?" Jaemin asks.

  "No," she bluntly responds. "Why? You want some?"

  "Of course."

  "Make it yourself," she coldly says and Jaemin clutches his chest.

  "Ouch." He watches as she pours in the cold water into the jug and the ring on her finger catches his eyes.
"Have you been in a relationship before?"

  She pauses. "Why do you ask?"

  "Just wanted to get to know my future wife better," he boldly says and winks charmingly.

  Eunae quickly looks away, feeling a blush on her cheeks. "I have. It was for a while before I took a break from school."

  "Ooh, was he a jerk?" Jaemin asks. "Is that why you left him?"

  She lets out an airy chuckle. "No, he was the one who left me."

  Jaemin narrows his brows. "Whaㅡ Heㅡ Damn. He's missing out on a lot."

  She chuckles again at his words. "I'm kinda glad we broke up, though. He was always breaking promises and missing our dates or coming late. He was never really honest with me and when I needed him the most- when my parents died, he moved away and even, changed his number."

  Jaemin stares at her unchanging expression, knowing very well it must actually hurt to speak about it. "I'm glad too that you broke up. Because, if you didn't then, I probably wouldn't have met you."

  Eunae turns to him, seeing him with that alluring, coquettish grin of him and finds herself admiring.

  He suddenly, boops her nose, snapping her back to reality. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

  She clears her throat in embarrassment and steps away. "Luckily for me, I don't have a phone."

  Jaemin laughs lightly and sees the glass of cold, syrup drink left on the counter- smile widening and eyes soft at it.

  She actually made him one.

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