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  Their footsteps echo around the silent and isolated street at night.

  "We should've gone back home earlier," Jaemin says.

  Donghyuck glares at Chenle. "We could've if someone didn't try to communicate with the life-sized dolphin decorations and get himself reported to the mental institute."

  "It was a joke!" Chenle argues.

  "You tried to 'break them free' and they were nailed to the ground!" Donghyuck shouts.

  "They looked lonely!"

  "They're decorations!"

  "Everyone, shush!" Renjun suddenly, interjects.

  A creepy atmosphere surrounds them as they look around cautiously.

  Hyuck focuses and deadpans. "There's nothing, is there? You just shushed us so we would shut up."

  Renjun continues to wince his eyes at the air. "Maybe."

  "Can you notㅡ"

  A few rustles interrupt, followed by rushed footsteps and a man in black rushes away from a distance.

  "There!" Jeno informs.

  The gang quickly follows, the girls also in pursuit.

  Their frantic chase completely making them to not realize how further and deeper they are getting into the alleys.

  "I swear, everytime we have a bit of fun!" Jinae complains, annoyed because all she wants to do now is sleep bUT, nO.

  But the chase comes to an abrupt stop when the anon halts in front of an old, abandoned warehouse.

  He turns. "Well, that was easy. I expected for you to be smarter than to follow me."

  He pulls down his mask, an overly confident smirk on his face. "Because, now your outnumbered."

  Crowds of his teammates come flooding in and the gang of 9 clench their fists. 

  "What exactly do you want?" Jeno interrogates, giving a sharp glare and realizes something. "Wait. We dominated you before."

  The team leader crosses his bulky arms- clearly have been working out. "Yeah, and we want to get back our rank. Maybe even, some prizes after."

  Renjun and Jaemin defensively put an arm in front of the girls when the opposing leader shoot them a seductive look.

  Eunae scowls, fake vomiting while the other two are just: 👁️👄👁️

  "You're not getting anything," Donghyuck spits.

  The leader, Wonho, scoffs. "We'll see about that."

  His minions rush in and the six fight them off skillfully- the three sisters just watching the fight with their imaginary popcorn.

  That is, until a few of the men came towards them.

  The three look up blankly until the one in front gives a smug grin. "Hurry up, boys. We gotta collect them in."

  Eunae arches a brow. "Did he just say collect? oH, OHO!"

  The boys watch, confused until she stands up slowly. "I AIN'T A TOY, MOTHERFXCKAH!" 

  The man flies at the full blown kick she sends to his stomach.

  The impact steals the attention and the others watch like gaping fishes.

  "You blew our cover, Eun," Jinae comments. "But I don't mind a bit of fun."

  And a war outbreaks when she gives one of the rivals a black eye and another one a set of broken teeth within a second.

  Saehyun picks up an abandoned pipe, eyes suddenly darkening. "Nighty night, bxtches."

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