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  "She's going to stay asleep for a while. She lost quite a lot of blood but, other than that, everything is okay," Kun tells.

  "Alright, thanks hyung," Jisung says, casting down his gaze to the girl with worry painted on his face.

  Kun looks at the gang in the room along with the two somber girls sitting on the velvet couch in the medic room- further away from him.
"Who are they?"

  Jisung stays silent, uncertain of the answer himself. So, Renjun steps in.

  "They're our," he begins, briefly looking at the healthy two. "Hostages."

  Kun picks up his medical kit. "Are they, now? Well, these are dangerous times for you, you're targeted by an enemy. What's your decision for your 'hostages?'"

  The younger boys see him out, leaving the three girls alone.

  "Do they know?" Jisung asks. "That it wasn't just a normal accident? That the tire was shot?"

  "No. I'm not sure about Saehyun but, I doubt she knows. It all happened in a flash," Renjun tells.

  Chenle looks at the doors of the medic room. "What are we gonna do with them?" 

  They all turn, seeing Eunae and Jinae coming out. 

  "We keep them safe," Jeno says. 


  "From today on, we're moving you three and this will be your new room," Renjun informs. 

  Jinae lies on her new bed in her new room. If the previous one is big than this one is massive, if she tries, maybe she can build a house in here. Though, it's not really that different- still has a private toilet, just bigger and the closet is extended to be a walk-in closet. 

  Again, still no gadgets. But at least, they're not locked in from outside. 

  "Knock, knock, pouty face," Donghyuck opens the door and spots the gloomy girl. "It's dinner time." 

  Jinae remains silent and stands- ambling to Hyuck with downcasted eyes. Until, he grips her wrist- the cliche move of all times. 

  "Why didn't you do it?" He whispers. 

  The girl looks up, confused. He repeats. 

  "Why didn't you shoot me? You had a loaded gun in your hand, but you chose not to even when I was hurting you." 

  His tone is laced with heavy guilt be he tries his best to hide it with his cold, nonchalant, look- but it's too clear to be missed. 

  Jinae smiles lightly. "I know you want a specific and elaborated answer but, I actually don't know. Maybe it was just me but, my instinct told me that you weren't bad. That I would still end up breathing and I couldn't bring myself to shoot.
  I didn't want any blood spilled. You didn't kill me the first time even when you could, so why didn't you? " 

  Her words bring a realization to him. Why didn't he? When he got the second opportunity, why didn't he just end it there?

  "You're asking me this like you want to die."

  "I don't but, I guess, there was something else worth focusing on than my 'non-guaranteed death' experience," Jinae responds and bores her gaze into his. "Something beautiful that's always misunderstood because people just don't take the time to see."

  Donghyuck feels that same, rush of beats again and he turns away- heading towards the stairs in inconspicuous fluster. "You're really stupid, you know?" 

  "Well, I can't help it. I'm a clown. Clown is equivalent of me," she giggles, tailing after him down the stairs- clinging gleefully while he keeps pushing her away, only to get her to stick again. 

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