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  "What are you researching on?" Jeno asks- entering the monitor room that specifically used by Zhong Chenle for his hacking business.

  "Trying to figure out who those two intruders were but nothing out of the ordinary seems to show up, yet," Chenle answers, sighing.

  Jeno lays a hand on the younger's shoulder. "You've been doing this for days, take a rest. Your eyes are red."

  Chenle whines- dissatisfied. "I don't wanna!! Let me find something first! Anything! Or not, it'll make me look like a looosssserrrrrr!!!!!"

  Jeno shuts his ears. "Okay, fine, fine! Then, why don't you find out about the girls? We don't actually know much about their life... other than the fact that they don't have anyone searching for them."

  The room turns sad and quiet.

  Chenle turns to the keyboard, types furiously and old documents about the sisters pop up.

  "It their school records," Jeno says and points to a set that Chenle instantly clicks.

  "So, they did miss a few years," Jeno comments as he reads the info.

  Chenle lets out an "Ohhhhh," of interest. "They excelled both in academics and sports which explains why they didn't have to repeat the years they missed. Huh, didn't know they were smart or athletic. Saehyun looks like she'll break down with a poke."

  Jeno stays silent and is practically glaring at the screen from focus. "With grades and skills like these... what do you think they wanted to be?"

  The question hits Chenle more abrupt than how he thought it could.

  "Probably, not hostages, right?" Jeno chuckles bitterly and turns to Chenle who's suddenly filled with a sense of guilt.

  Chenle shakes his head. "You're right."


  "Amusement park?" The others sound.

  Jeno and Chenle nod.

  "It's been long since we went and I don't think there's anything wrong with a bit of fun," Jeno says.

  Chenle nods vigorously. "Yeah! The toys here are already boring!"

  Renjun smacks him. "With all your toys here, you can make an amusement park of your own, you ungrateful, littleㅡ"

  "AnYwAys," Jaemin cuts his off, hands covering Jisung's ears. "I agree that there's nothing wrong with fun but not when we're being hunted by a pack of uncultured barbarians."

  "For the last time, I am NOT A KID!" Jisung huffs.

  "Amusement park?" Jinae walks out the kitchen with Donghyuck tailing behind from making new popsicles after finishing the last batch. "Sounds fun!"

  "And dangerous," Renjun adds. "What if they find us at the park and attack. The innocent people there would be involved. We don't know how this gang is."

  "Neither do they know us. The main reason they used those explosives is because they don't know how strong we are. Although, they must've heard stories about us so they tried to just kill is off at once.
  "They don't have the guts to deal with us face to face, I doubt they'll do it at a public place," Chenle concludes.

  Eunae agrees. "Chenle's right. I think, all they're gonna do for now is study you guys considering how unexpected it probably was for them when we all made it out alive."

  "Seems like you know a lot from this department," Hyuck comments and Eunae chuckles- shaking her head.

  "She's just smart. Checked their background and found out that the three of them are surprisingly smart," Jeno tells and the rest of the boys let out, "OooOohHHhH."

  Saehyun narrows her brows. "Uhh, is this supposed to be a compliment?"

  "All things settled, we're going to the amusement park!" Chenle cheers.

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