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  The six boys watch as the sisters finish up the last few men.


  Their jaws hang open when Jin twists the man's hand till it pops.

  They pant briefly from the amount of fighting and heads back to their team with excited smiles on their faces. 

  "It's been long since we did any physical work like that," Saehyun sighs out, brushing her hair back and Jinae agrees vigorously.

  "I know, right! That was such an adrenaline rush!" She chirps, jumpy and the members stare at them in disbelief.

  HOw eVEnㅡ?

  A groan erupts and the members turn to see Wonho limping to stand up. 


  Renjun's stopped when Jinae draws out the gun from his belt and directs it to the rival leader. "Stay down or I'll shoot." 

  Wonho sees and bursts into feeble laughs. "You will? I know you got the fighting skills but, you don't have the guts to spill any blood." 

  She stays expressionless and abruptly pulls the trigger. He freezes when the bullet scathes his earlobe. 

  "Who are you working with?"

  "N-no one—"

  "Some of your men are either missing their signature gang tattoo or they're working for somebody else. I say the latter," Jinae states. "So, who is it?"

  "I told youㅡ"


  She presses again, to the sky this time and Wonho drops to his knees in fear. "Alright, alright! It's a gang from the city! I don't know who's the boss but, the gang's called HELL-O."

  Chenle furrows. "Hello?"

  "No," Wonho corrects and flinches when Saehyun lifts the pipe onto her shoulder.
"Hell + O because they said it meant like, meeting them is the same as meeting hell."

  "Oh, uh, creative," Jinae comments, furrowing her brows uncertainly.

  Jisung scrunches his nose. "Sounds like food to me."

  "Jell-O?" Jeno asks and Jisung nods.

  Renjun shakes his head. "The point is, this HELL-O is wanting you to brings us to them?"

  Wonho nods. "That's all we know, I swear!"

  Jinae stares, seeing no lie and drops down the pistol. "Well, guess our business is done."

  "Don't try us again, Wonho," Hyuck warns and walks away with the rest following.

  Wonho watches and cowers again when Jinae approaches. His breaths quicken when she crouches to match his level and reaches into her pocket and takes out an object- a hello kitty bandage.

  He blinks. What?

  "Sorry for the ear. It's not that deep so this'll work," Jinae says, giving an awkward, guilty smile before fleeing away with Wonho staring dumbfoundedly at the bandaid.



  Chenle shoots, making consecutive 10's. A proud smirk is on his face and he turns to Jinae. "Can you beat that?"

  The girl shrugs languidly before raising up her pistol- the spectators watching with anticipation.

  "In 3, 2ㅡ"

  She suddenly strikes and the rest gape at her quick shots- not only because she keeps hitting the bull's eye, but she's also shooting at the same holes in the centre without a single stray.

  She makes a swift ammo recharge and it clicks before she strikes sharply- again, not straying from the holes she already made on each board.

  "Whaㅡ hOW?" Jisung gasps and Jinae grins before turning to Lele.

  "I suppose that answered your question," she teases while putting down  the gun.

  Jeno's lips upturn. "And here we thought you were just a little pipsqueak."

  Hyuck flicks her forehead, gaining a yelp. "She still is."

  Renjun leans against the wall with crossed arms whilst staring at the sisters. "So, you guys are agent trainees, huh?"

  Saehyun nods. "So were the other two people that tried to kidnap me last time before they became official. They tried taking Jin and Eun too but couldn't since they fought back, I was drugged by then."

  "That's why I had a bruise on my leg," Jinae admits.

  Renjun processes. "Wait, before they became official? So, they made it?"

  "They did since last year but backstabbed, obviously. It explains the mysterious information leaking,", Eun sighs. "What's more important though is how they chose taking over their own lives then answering our questions."

  Jinae bends her brows worriedly. "Is HELL-O that scary?"

  The boys turn to her.

  "You know, for a person that dislocates people's bones like a piece of twig, you should ask that about yourself," Chenle says.

  "But, this is dIfFeReNt!"

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