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  "You beat them up pretty aggressively. Were they tough?" Jaemin asks, leaning against the door frame of their medic room, watching their two new hostages get treated up.

  Chenle shakes his head, gaining Jaemin's attention. "No. They were as strong as twigs but, Jisung got mad. So, that's what they get." 

  "Jisung got mad? Why?" 

  "Don't know. I guess, they were being too annoying or he's just upset because they took his girl," Chenle answers in a lazy yet, playful tune and gestures to the boy watching the two battered men with a glare. 

  Jaemin lets out and amused, "Huh," before walking away with Chenle to the dining area. 

  "What happened?" Renjun asks.

  Jinae lets out a shaky breath, staring at her warm drink. "It all happened so fast. Saehyun was the only one in the living room at first and when I came down, those people were already there and they had a cloth to her nose. I tried to shout but then, one of them pulled out this tube like bomb thingy. 
  Smoke came out of it and everything became hazy. Thankfully, Eunae came just in time and ran up the stairs to press on the emergency button in her room since the men were still in the living room. They were scared when the siren went off so they could only bring Sae out and dropped me."

  The rest let out irritated sighs. 

  Chenle crosses his arms, staring down at the floor in thought and sees Jinae's leg. "Did they hurt you? Why is there a bruise?" 

  All eyes turn to where he's looking and Jinae twirls in her seat to give a clearer view of the greenish-purple mark on her knee. "Huh, I didn't notice. Maybe, I got it when they dropped me because I remember getting hit by the corner of the coffee table." 

  Hyuck scoffs. "Wow, talk about the manners they've got." 

  "Are you talking about yourself?" Renjun mocks and Donghyuck threatens to throw a bullet to which the older only rolls his eyes at. 

  Jaemin taps the girl. "Come, you should get ointment for it."

  She stands, following the other to the medic room. Coincidentally, the two men stir- starting to awaken. 

  "Jeno! Renjun! They're waking up!" Jaemin informs. 

  The rest of the group quickly show up, including Saehyun and Eunae. 

  "Wakey-wakey, sleeping uglies," Donghyuck sings tauntingly. "You'll get to have a really long sleep after you give us some answers." 

  The two gulp, fear rising up despite knowing that those surrounding them are just teenagers. But, the power and dominance they exude are dangerous. 

  "Who sent you?" Renjun asks but they keep their lips sealed. The teenager inhales, getting impatient. "I'll ask one more time, who the fuck sent you?" 

  Still, they remain silent so Jeno decides to act a little rash, just a little bit more aggressive. 

  The hostages' eyes widen when Jeno holds a gun to their throats. "Talk now or never. You sent a bullet through my flesh, I won't hesitate to do the same with yours." 

  They notice the presences of the three girls and Jisung sees. 

  "Why did you try to take them?" He coldly interrogates, giving no spare moment to let them breathe calmly. 

  "W-we can't tell," one of them stutters and Jeno's gun clicks but, Renjun pushes it down slowly. 

  The latter turns to the two. "Fine. We'll let you rest. But, the next time we ask, we expect answers." 

  They all swivel after giving threatening gazes to the healing two and head out. 

  "Remember that or we'll send you to your beds," Chenle starts. "Six feet under." 

  He exits.

  The three girls stare at them blankly before following the rest but, Eunae halts briefly at the door- turning her head slightly, showing her side profile as eyes are sharply looking at the two men. 

  She brings her forefinger to her lips.


  The men's breaths hitch and she gives a small smirk before walking out the door and swings it close in an ominously slow way.  

i sure love teasing my readers and making them think ùwú  - moon 🌙

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