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  Jinae looks to the door at the sound of clinks.

  Chenle walks in, serious and cold. "Come for dinner."

  The girls watches, gobsmacked as he furthers away- not saying another word after.


  Jinae is abruptly engulfed in a hug by Eunae when she walks out- bedroom in between her two sisters' that are at the ends of the halls.

  Saehyun joins, a sense of relief arising. A thought suddenly, hits her.
"Hey, were you guys given drinks or anything?"

  "No, not at all. Why?" Eunae answers- heading for the stairs.


  The interior catches the eye of the youngest and she spots the grandpa clock.
"Wow, dinner this late? It's 2a.m."

  "Whoever they are, they're rich," Sae gasps- gaze trailing over the furniture and sophisticated designs.

  They find their way into the spacious dining room and the other six.

  "Gosh, finally here. Thought you died on the way," Donghyuck comments.

  Renjun gestures to the stairs. "Sit."

  "I saved a seat for you, tigress," Jaemin speaks- sliding a hand around her waist and she breaks away.

  He scoffs.

  Jeno tilts his head at the girl. "So, this is the feisty one you say? Huh, hard to believe when you're all such pipsqueaks. I wonder, if the rest are tough too."

  Donghyuck lets out an amused chuckle. "Yeah, right. This one's a little wuss."

  He towers over Jinae and sharply yanks her arm, making her let out a high gasp- smirking dangerously at her reaction.

  "Let's just eat," Renjun says.

  The gang all laugh and chatter normally but, their hostages aren't even moving.

  "Aren't you eating?" Jisung's deep and low voice shocks Saehyun.

  She nervously flickers her eyes from him to the meal in front of her. "I'm not hungry."

  He doesn't fight it and eyes are still on her, he then continues with his meal.

  "Hostages," Renjun calls. "For the time being, you're staying with us until we figure out what to do with you. Or until we realize that your existence here is a hassle and drown you in the ocean.
  But while you stay, you follow rules. One, don't touch anything. Two, don't disturb us and three, don't try anything or you're dead."

  "Understand?" Jeno asks and the girls unwillingly nod. "Good."


  Tick, tock, tick tock!

  Eunae gazes at the grandfather clock- thoughtless and blank.

  "Wow, I can't believe you'd rather stare at an old, antique clock rather than me." Jaemin comes by.

  "Why would I stare at you?" Eunae remarks.

  "Because, I'm good-looking?"

  The girl ignores him and walks past him leisurely- treating him as air.

  Jaemin's heartstrings tug in both irritation and interest- the latter being more dominant. "You're acting like I can't slice a knife across your throat right now."

  "If you wanted me dead, you would've killed me earlier," Eunae responds, arms crossed and sharply glaring at him.

  The male chuckles before letting out a sigh. "Oh, tigress. Your foolish bravery is going to get you in trouble one day."

  He caresses the the side of her face using the back of his palm- soft touch bringing shivers down her spine but she stands tough.
"Anything can happen, after all, it's the devil's hour."

  The grandpa clock chimes thrice, making the small girl flinch and the corner of Jaemin's lip pulls up into a cocky smirk.

  "See you later, tigress. Don't let the bed bugs bite," Jaemin whispers, sultry before striding to the stairs.

  Eunae sighs, pressing her head. "Gosh, I'm crazy. Why are you like this?"

  Her hand resting against her erratic heart.

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