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  "Step on it, Jaemin!" Hyuck screams into the walkie-talkie they found in the van when he notices the pair of black vans following close behind.

  "This is as fast as it can go! I think, one of its tires got shot in the fight!" Jaemin yells back and Donghyuck clicks his tongue in frustration.

  Jinae keeps turning her head back to keep check and studies the lane. "The road's too narrow. They won't be able to cut us off but with our current speed, they'll hit us! We need to pop one of their tires!"

  "Here!" Chenle passes his pistol and Jinae shakes her head.

  "The bullet are too small to cut through the rubber. Is there a bigger gun?"

  Jeno throws his that's significantly stronger and bigger as it weighs her arms down. She nods.


  Jinae rolls down the window and peeks her torso out to aim.

  "YA! What are you doing?? Get back in!" Donghyuck shouts, noticing her position.

  "I'm going to shoot!"

  "It's too dangerous!" Donghyuck insists, constantly glancing at her through the head mirror.

  Jinae stays silent, maintaining her aim when an enemy also peeks out from the van, targeting his gun at her.

  "Jinae, watch out!" Chenle warns, seeing the rival but she stays on task as the van constantly jumps from the uneven road.

  "Just a little more..." She mumbles and finally clicks the trigger.


  It resounds and the van following them, swerves to the side, rolling down the steep, grassy hill besides the road while the vehicle behind it jolts to a stop.

  DREAM cheers, knowing that they're free from the chase.

  "Huh, you're not bad, yourself. I wouldn't have been able to do it with the car shaking like this," Jaehyun compliments, acknowledging her skills.

  "We did it! Jinae-yah! Get back in or you'll fall out!" Jeno laughs, celebrating their success but it's too early for that.

  Jinae slowly turns and the others' breaths hitch at the dark red that paints her palm and they spot the bleeding bullet wound just below her collarbone.

  "Why? What's happening?" Eunae asks frantically, noticing the silence when another gunshot sounds in the air.

  Jinae gasps and turns to the HELL-O members from the other van that has their weapons put out, aiming at the tyres of their van.

  Tears glisten in her eyes but she still flashes them a smile- a bittersweet smile. "Make sure he keeps driving, okay?"

  Her words fill them with befuddlement but it all finally, makes sense when she slips out the window.

  "OH JINAE!" Donghyuck shouts as soon as he sees her figure through the side-mirror.

  She rolls to reduce damage and inhales sharply at the pain as she stops on her knees.

  "Don't stop! Keep driving!" Jaehyun urges, holding onto Donghyuck's shoulder as he's about to turn the steering wheel, wanting to turn back.

  Eunae joins in, holding the wheel and pressing his leg down with shaky arms as she bawls her eyes.

  She knows what her sister was thinking. She sacrificed her own life to save many others. Ever since she was little, she's been dreaming to do it- to be a light to others.

  And now she finally can and Eunae doesn't wanna waste it like that.
  Donghyuck rages, his hot-headed character surfacing as he's tied in a dilemma, wanting to save her but knowing that she did it to save them.

  Tears well up in his eyes while his grip clenches furiously on the steering, jaw tightened at the flurry of distressing emotions.

  Jinae lets out shaky breaths, hot, heavy tears streaming down her flushed face and she rises- treating her gun as a walking stick before pointing it towards her opponents.

  They furrow, confused on why she's not shooting them and instead using it as a bat.

  She notices and lets out a bitter laugh. "I'm in the verge of dying and I still can't bring myself to shoot people. How pathetic."

  Sets of coughs suddenly escape her and she wipes her mouth, feeling the thick, red substance.

  Jinae looks up and gives a challenging look. "Well, I guess it's a fight to the death then, boys."

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