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  Beep, beep, beep, beepㅡ

  Jisung's heart monitor emits while he lies on the bed, tied with needles and water tubes.

  Chenle and Jaemin check on him before exiting to meet with the rest.

  An air of sorrow and grief encircles the group. Some of their eyes red and bloodshot while some are just hollow and distant from the world, lost.

  It's been two days since her loss. They came back to check if she would still be there but, no. It's as if she was never there, as if the whole fight never happened. 

  If it wasn't because of the dried bloodstains on the pebble path of the road, they probably wouldn't believe it actually happened- more like they couldn't. 

  Her loss left a big impact, her absence so vivid and painful that at some days, they find themselves crying or dwelling about it on sleepless nights. 

  "Where is he?" Jaemin asks, pressing his red, puffy eyes on the sleeve of his arm. 

  "Out, again. Said that he wanted some fresh air alone," Renjun answers, hugging himself with his jacket. 

  "He's on the rooftop. I passed by him, earlier," Kun tells, wearing his doctor coat as he fixes his round glasses. "He seems to be in a rougher shape than he was yesterday. Did he even get a blink of sleep?" 

  Jeno shakes his head, passionlessly. "Spent his time sitting aimlessly on the couch rather than the bed." 

  Kun nods, unable to imagine the pain of the younger. "Take care of him, okay?" 

  Donghyuck who is up at the rooftop just stares off into the far view. Scanning the rows and rows of buildings in the city. It's actually been long since they returned here considering they do most of their business in the outskirts. 

  But, it feels as plain as ever. The rays of the sun touches his face- sunkissed and the warmth spreads on his skin but his inside is dark and brittle cold as his mind wanders. 

  "Donghyuckie," she calls. 

  He hums, busy with polishing his weapons while she sits facing him, helping. 

  "Can I borrow this one?" She asks, holding up the pistol in her hand. 

  He lifts his head up from his knife. "For what?" 

  She purses her lips into a thin line. "Just cause."

  Donghyuck arches a brow. "As long as you don't plan on assasinating me in the middle of the night with it then, fine." 

  She stands up and poses. "Why? Does it look like I can do that? Do I look tough?" 

  The sweet, honey boy watches as she changes her pose every now and then, laughing when she does EXO's legendary Love Shot pose and blows at the muzzle. 

  "You're crazy," he chuckles and dusts his handkerchief. 

  She blinks at him, a glint of mischief in her eyes as she feels playful again. 

  Donghyuck tenses up when a pair of arms wrap around his neck from behind as her head lays against his. "But you like that about me, don't you?" 

  Her slur of words causes tingles down his spine while her hot breath touching his nape turns his heart and mind irrational. 

  He bends his neck back to face her and a flirty smirk stretches on his lips, eyes constantly shifting to her lips. "Oh, I love it." 

  Her heart skips a beat at the seduction in his raspy tone and he chuckles lowly as he lines her jaw- giving a little peck. 

  She squeaks and jumps up. 

  He bursts out laughing as she cups her lips and shakes his head at her silly attempt to be dominant when they all know what their roles are. 

  Donghyuck pulls out a pistol out of his pocket- the one which Jinae borrowed and gazes at the sunflowers and bright sun painted at the side. His initials are written in a metallic gold and it sparkles under the sun.

  A tear drops on the paint before another and another.

  He crashes on his knees, nails digging into them as he wails and wails, tearing his own throat- the air weighed down by his excruciating cries of grief.

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