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  "Hurry up! We're gonna be late!" Renjun shouts from downstairs, followed by a slam of the door.

  Donghyuck rushes around his room, jumping with one leg up as he puts on his sock. "Coming!"

  He grabs his phone and wallet from the bed before picking up his pistol lying on the desk.

  "I'm going first, okay?" He says and pecks the painted sunflowers and sun- putting it back down after and racing out.

  2 weeks. That's how long it's been. To say that they healed completely would be a lie but, they're much better than before.

  And Shinhyuk? He's dead. They didn't kill him but, considering the amount of enemies he must've had, someone must've decided to finish him off.

  Hyuck trips on air and almost faceplants on the living room floor but quickly regains balance.

  He suddenly pauses and turns to his left, gazing at the family portrait hung above the grand, brick fireplace.

  It's of them from the day at the waterpark. Wide, genuine smiles are etched on their faces and the clear radiance of their joy seems to be brighter than the sun itself.

  Donghyuck can't help but let a bittersweet grin to surface.

  "LEE DONGHYUCK!" Renjun booms again and the younger clicks his tongue, irritated before exiting.


  "What did I say? One chocolate each or else you'll get bad teeth!" Jaemin scolds with his baby voice to the small kindergartner who then, pouts.

  Eunae suddenly pulls out a digging toy set from the toy storage and gasps in excitement, instantly catching the kid's attention. "Wow! What's this? Do you want to play with it?"

  The latter nods vigorously, a big, toothy smile on his face as he takes it- racing to the playground's sandbox after and making a random hole.

  "You seem to be enjoying this," Jaemin calls out, seeing the bliss painted on her face and she nods, turning to him.

  "You're the same too," she comments, noticing the fatherly grin as he watches the kids play tag and mess around.

  Who knew volunteering for the kindergartens could be fun?

  He scoffs. "Such sharp observation you have there. What else do you see?"

  She hums, wincing her eyes. "Hmm, nothing."

  Jaemin arches a brow skeptically, his signature move when he hears something incredulous.
"Really? You don't see a really, sharp and defined, handsome face on a really sexy neck?"

  Eunae feigns ignorance. "Nope."

  He sighs, shaking his head while letting out airy chuckles. "You're unbelievable. Let me flirt for goodness' sake."

  She snickers contentedly. "Okay, then, what do you see?"

  Jaemin lifts his eyes to look at her facial features, taking his time to admire each and everyone before scanning her down.

  A coquettish smirk hooks up. "I see a whole ass snack."

  Her cheeks flush at his unforeseen, flirtatiousness and shushes him. "There are kids here!"

  But he yanks her towards him, letting their bodies press as he bores his alluring gaze into hers.

  Her heart's erratic and it's on the verge of combusting when he lets his slide on on his bottom lip seductively.

  "Oh, don't worry. I plan on eating the snack alone," Jaemin says and leans down to her ear- letting out a raspy whisper. "How does after dinner sound?"

  She pushes him off, cheeks in a bright red while eyes are as wide as saucers. He only shrugs languidly with his head tilted and a playful smile teasing her. 

  "Ya, Jaemin! Come and help me carry the carton drinks!" Renjun yells from the near entrance of the kindergarten building and Jaemin sends a nod.

  He turns to Eunae and salutes with lazy finger guns. "See you later, tigress."

  She hisses, threatening to throw a brick.

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