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  "But, you... left," Eunae utters, voice almost a whisper from shock.

  Shinhyuk steps back to be able to see his three hostages simultaneously. "Technically, I did but, I never transferred or went out the country. I was simply taking over the gang in place of my weak, pathetic brother.
  "I actually, didn't want to at first but, the prize money my father offered to the next leader was tantalizing so I had to take it."

  Eunae stays still, expression frozen and jaw clenched. "Is that why you left me? For your accession to be the head of the gang? The money?"

  Shinhyuk notices the strain in her voice and quickly cups her cheeks with both of his hands. "No, baby, it wasn't for that at all! I justㅡ I thought if I could get it, I could use it on you, for the both of us. I guess, I just got too carried away at the end."

  Eunae glares fiercely- loathing and slaps his hands away. "You left me during the time I needed you most. I was broken and stupid at that time, thinking your absence was a whole tragedy. But, I was fuxking wrong because now, I'm a lot more fuxking happy without you."

  Her unvarnished anger brings shock to the male's face and he wears a pitiful mask again.
"But, babyㅡ"

  "DON'T-" she snaps. "-call me that. It's disgusting."

  This time, the distress from her words is apparent on his face. "But, don't you love me?"

  Love. That word sounds unexplainably revolting coming from his mouth and she can't help but scowl.
"I loved, loved you, Shinhyuk. Not anymore."

  She enunciates the word and her sisters exchange eye contact like; 👁️👄👁️

  They really be listening to some tEA.

  But a sudden chill envelopes the room and the light seems darker.

  Eunae lets out a sharp yelp when her jaw is clasped in between his fingers- clenched tightly and painful.

  "Hey!" Jinae argues but his buff men quickly hold her and Saehyum back down from throwing fists.

  "It's one of those DREAM boys, isn't it?" Shinhyuk brusquely queries.

  "It's not your business," Eunae spits back and lets out a loud groan of pain when Shinhyuk tightens his grip.

  "I'll have to finish them off first then, huh?"

  Finally, after a while of unwavering courage and arrogance at his words and actions, fright appears in her quivering eyes that are wide in panic.

  But it only infuriates him more.

  She hisses in pain when he pulls her head back by the hair- odiousness raging in his pitch black orbs and Eunae can see it as clear as day.

  And it scares.

  "Mark my words, I'll bring those pretty boys here and rip them to pieces in front of those beautiful brown eyes of yours," Shinhyuk threatens, smirking lastly. "Then, you'll have to return to me, hm?"

  Eunae stays mute, shivering but not from the cold.

  He harshly lets go. "Good."


  The metal door shuts raucously when Hyuk and his minions exit.

  Saehyun and Jinae quickly rush to Eunae's side. "You okay?"

  Eun stares at plain air for a moment, deep in thought- in disbelief, more likely at how much Shinhyuk has changed.

  Yeah, he is still a jerk then and now but at least, he isn't as brutish as he is now.

  "I'm fine," she says, finally snapping back. "We just have to find a way to get out of here."

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