Day 41

31 6 6

Sunday, May 17, 2020


I'll tell you a secret, 

But you have to promise not to tell.

Others will say

That their biggest fear is tangible.

They haven't grown to trust all the way yet, if that is the case.

When someone whispers 

In the dead of the night

To someone they hold a great deal of trust

Their fears

It will be abstract fears.




Emotional pain,

Hurting loved ones.

So I come to you,

In the dead of the night

To whisper my terrible fears.


I whisper first.

For the pain it will inflict onto my loved ones,

For the death of my future,

For the cruel lie of my perfection and intellect.


I whisper second.

For the emotional scars it will give me,

For the bridges burned before their time,

For the relationships severed.


I whisper third.

For the emotional wounds it will create,

For the thousands of words left unspoken,

For the destruction of a relationship over too soon.


I whisper with finality.

For the feeling of inferiority,

For the feeling of not being enough,

Never enough,

For the knowledge that you would have done anything for them, but instead

They left you to collapse on the ground after waiting too long for something that will




Because you may bounce back from failure;

It isn't the complete end.

Because you can overcome rejection;

There are always more accepting people out there.

Because a misunderstanding can be rewritten;

It is never too late to try to make it right.


Abandon someone who loved you, who trusted you,

Leave them alone, by themself,

They can never trust you again,

No matter how much love you rekindle.

Because if you loved them once before,

And you left them,

You can do it again.

And someone can only be abandoned so many times

Before they take it upon themself to solve the problem.


Stay safe kiddos and please, tell your friends and others that you love them. Just, tell them you love them.

I love every single one of you, never forget that <3<3<3


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