Day 138

25 8 11

Saturday, August 22, 2020



There's something about laughing until tears come out, watching a battle in the basement, beating up a unicorn piñata, eating pizza and drinking a gallon of milk outside while talking past trauma and coming out with pronouns, setting the piñata's corpse on fire, doing makeup, and eating cake in the kitchen that just improves one's mental health instantly. 

Then my dad came and like, woah.

See, I wasn't supposed to have any physical contact with anyone due to my parents' paranoia but like.... nah bro. So when my dad came I rushed back and did this awesome relay of tight emotional hugs.

First the host A in the kitchen, then Mel and L and lastly but certainly not least K, all three in the tightest hallway ever.

And there's just something about quick but incredibly emotional hugs that just... woah. I know I would die for them, but like, that just reinforces it. I love them so much, I would die for any one of them no matter what. Sacrifice myself so they could live, even if the rest of humanity dies with me. I don't care, they matter so unspeakably much to me. 

I'll show off pics tomorrow of my makeup that K did, it was just one of my eyes because we didn't know when I would be picked up exactly so we had to be careful but like, beautiful. I actually looked beautiful. 

I don't know what this is except an appreciation chapter about my friends which not gonna lie needed because they are some of the best people in my life. 

Stay safe kiddos and eat a cracker because eating is self care.

Love you all <3<3<3<3


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