Friday, June 12, 2020
Pride Day 12: dream job
Published author, with enough money to fully support myself at all times without any side jobs.
I am so emotionally drained....
My social batteries have been murdered....
I either crave death, alone time for two days, or enough caffeine to make me awake enough to deal with life.
Actually if I could all three, last to first, that'd be great.
i'M aN iNtRoVeRt i cAn'T sOcIaL fOr fIvE hOuRs wItHoUt cOnSeQuEnCeS
tHe cOnSeQuEnCeS bEiNg mY uRgE tO hIdE fOr dAyS aNd nEvEr iNtErAcT wItH hUmAnS aGaIn
Stay safe kiddos and make sure to get at least five hours of sleep!
Love you all <3<3<3<3