Day 75

22 5 13

Saturday, June 20, 2020


Pride Day 20: weirdest fact about you

Um, I got a FitBit from my parents for my birthday, and so I can tell you that my total steps as of 9:58pm when I wrote this part is 3,615 steps.


Y'all are freaking amazing, don't you dare argue with me.

You know how I know this?

Y'all have stuck with me from the beginning. You know my dark thoughts, my worries, my beliefs, and a lot of shit of my past I don't talk about too much. And you guys still come here every day and read this. You comment and vote and are just there for me to talk to. 

First chapter, I vented about how I worry about all my lies and walls and masks crumbling down around me.

Second chapter, mental breakdown.

Third chapter? How I wanted to die. I may revisit that one day.

Fourth one? Wondering what happened to our childhoods.

Fifth one? My first positive chapter.

And now look at this.

Seventieth: positivity chapter because y'all are rulers.

Seventy first: asexual panic 

Seventy second: why do I want to die?

Seventy third chapter and seventy fourth chapter I spent arguing that society's views on gender clothing is stupid and we should just let people wear what they want to wear without harassing them.

Look how far this has gone! And everyone reading, you've read all of that. 

You didn't have to. But you did.

That's why I know you're a wonderful person, one who deserves all the love in the world (platonic or romantic). Because you've been here for me since the every beginning. 

So stay kiddos and make sure to take that binder off after ten hours and/or to eat something.

Love you all so much <3<3<3<3


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