Day 45

24 5 11

Thursday, May 21, 2020


Dear everyone,

The way you smile makes my heart burst with happiness.

The way your eyes light up when you talk about your passions make wish to spend all my time just listening to you talk.

The way you talk about a theory or head canon you have that goes very deep makes me want to re-watch/re-read everything because it puts everything in a new light.

The way your first reaction to finding someone of your same passion or orientation or fandom is to hug them and then immediately start talking about it is beautiful because you're so closed lip about certain things like this and now suddenly you're talking a mile a minute and smiling the entire time.

The way you lip sync or sing to a song that comes on your playlist and you don't even notice until halfway through makes me want to join in because you look and sound like these lyrics have been etched into your soul and it's so gorgeous.

The way you bundle yourself into a blanket or a sweatshirt or even a pile of blankets and then look so fluffy and adorable makes my heart melt.

The way you down your caffeine like it's the only thing holding you together makes my heart ache because you're so strong to just get up and face the day.

The way you constantly support the people you follow, and even some people you don't because they need support and you can't help but reach other because you've been there makes me want to gather you into a hug and never let go.

The way you spend so much of your time dedicated your loves and fandoms just proves to me over and over again of your limitless passion and iron will.

All this I love about you and more, because you're a star in my galaxy of friends and I'll forever remember you. I'll always support you, no matter what happens. Through any sexuality, any gender, any mental illness. Through changing fandoms and ships, I'll support you even if I'm not into it because I care about you and will always be here for you.

Stay safe kiddos, make sure to drink plenty of water!

All my unconditional love,  


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