» 06

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She didn't want to face the truth she wanted to run away , run away from the fate that had chosen her

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She didn't want to face the truth she wanted to run away , run away from the fate that had chosen her .

She was devastated , she wasn't the happy little girl anymore and yet she still ensures people around her was .

Even if she was heart broken , upset , wreaked , she still didn't stop helping the villagers , bringing joy and happiness to their lives .

Counting it a mission successful when she see them smile , their jolly expression , their happiness enlightened her .

At times , she completely forgot about her own difficulties and challenges seeing others being happy because of her .

She was the source of many lives' happiness . She loved making people happy , because she couldn't make herself feel that.

Seeing people rejoice and the priceless smiles they gave her , compensated her despondent .

"Princess." She snapped out of her daze , looking up from the ground .

Jaemin gave her a concerned look , gently rubbing her shoulders , telling her everything will be okay .

She smiled weakly at him , unwanting him to be upset or worried about her . she didn't want any one to feel troubled or worried just because of her , she didn't want to be a burden .

"Everything is gonna be okay , princess ." He said comfortingly , placing a warmth of protection in the princess's heart . comforting her , making her feel less upset , but the sadness still lingered around .

"Thank you , jaem ." She smiled , the boy always tried his best to give her emotional support knowing what she was going through , that was the least he could do .

in the meantime , the two kings were discussing something on the stage . the two contradicting aura standing opposite of each other .

The other guests were at the ball room's ground , chatting and chuckling away . Some dancing along to the music , having the time of their lives .

It was supposed to be her day , it was supposed to be a celebration and yet she was feeling sorrowful , wretched .

It was supposed to be her day , it was supposed to be a celebration and yet she was feeling sorrowful , wretched

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