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a loud bang sounded as they glowed in their colours , her eyes shined purple whilst his shined yellow

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a loud bang sounded as they glowed in their colours , her eyes shined purple whilst his shined yellow . the palm of their hands produced a magical wave of power .

the two looked at each other , beyond confused . she directed her hand towards the gray rock wall . a purple ball shot out from the midst of her palm , the magical ball glowed and stood out majestically .

the magic ball came into contact with the wall , darkening the wall before demolishing it .

she was shocked to see the damaged she had caused , and even more of so...her powers .

"i think we activated our powers ." donghyuck smiled , wrapping his arms around hers as the yellowish golden ray glowed around her body .

the oddly smoothing feeling flowed through her body to every single cell of hers .

yurim can feel the fear in her chest waiting to take over. Perhaps it only wants to protect her but there really isn't any danger. It sits there like an peaceful ball propelling her towards the peaceful side of life .

The air around her is sweet, the weather is fine, there are birds in the sky and she can hear water not far away. There's something about the magic that emitted from him that soothes her cells and produced the soft and refreshing scent of the cherry blossoms .

bringing her to a state of relaxation , before the scars that she once had be it from a minor injury or a major one began to seal it self up as the golden ray glowed around the injury .

healing it .

"what's this ?" yurim asked as she traced over the scars that was healed with the tips of her finger .

"my power is healing ." donghyuck smiled, rejoining the kiss they once had .

the sweet taste of her lips on his as the two interlocked their lips , pressing softly against each other as they grabbed onto each other .

every time they would kiss , the room would glow a bright light as they would stand out with their individual colour .

slowly drawing away as a smirk tugged on his lips , "if kissing makes this beautiful scene every time , i would never stop kissing you." donghyuck spoke in a deep yet soft tone .

"oh shut up , vampire ." yurim scoffed , as donghyuck clung onto her , his arms interlocked with hers.

"you love me , don't you ?" he teased , pressing soft kissed all over her , leaving love bites on her neck .

"in your dreams." she chuckled , donghyuck whined and sulked , tugging on her shirt .

"fine fine ! yeah i love you hyuck." she pushed the words that had been urging to come out .

"i love you too , princess~" donghyuck cooed happily, holding the princess in his arms , placing kisses all over her face .

love exploded in the air , the welcoming aroma of love , the affection everyone craved for but only destined ones can have.

they said "i love you" y'all 😔❤️

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they said "i love you" y'all 😔❤️

vermilion ━ lee donghyuck Where stories live. Discover now