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a scream echoed down the cave, alerting donghyuck

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a scream echoed down the cave, alerting donghyuck. the scream from a female, the high pitched voice trailed off of her tongue.

struggling, she was struggling to get out of the grip of the people that was wrapping some sort of mask around her.

donghyuck rushed back to the cave, to his dismay, no one was around.

it was a scene of struggle, blankets and pillows thrown everywhere. the one whom he was looking for was missing.

donghyuck had gone out to find some medications from the woods nearby and came back after hearing her shouts of agony.

breaking out in cold sweat, lost and infuriated. he looked around, looking at places that obviously could hide yurim but he still checked.

there he stood, panic arose in him. sweat forming on his temples and his legs felt wobbly but he couldn't just freeze there, he knew he had to do something. something had to be done.

; +

"very well done, lock up her ring." the vampire king commanded as the ones under him did what they were told to do.

be it willingly or not, they had no choice. it was a matter of life or death , listening to the king and doing what he wanted.

though they didn't like helping the king achieve what he wanted, they had no choice. the king was too powerful and that left them too powerless. they couldn't neither say nor do anything about the situation they were put in.

all they could do was to follow his orders, and there he did. the elite butler slid the ring off of the princess's finger, locking it in the case no one could unlock it.

the witch cursed the box, spitting out some black magic commands. as she held a book and wrote down the way to break the curse down with a feather pen dipped in ink.

however, it was in a writing and language only the black magic witches could understand and for all they knew, that witch was the only one whom learnt black magic in that town of theirs.

the shimmering glow on the moon gem dimmed down and soon disappeared since it was no longer on the owner's hand meaning it was powerless for the time being.

the case glowed a mischievous layer of darkness, purple orbits spinning around the case , it'd slice whatever came near to it.

making it unbreakable, no one was able to open the box. therefore, the princess could no longer use her powers unless the spell was broken.

the princess was shoved into a cage almost like she was some animal to be kept away, the ones whom were in charge of her were nothing but rough.

shoving her and pushing her, they couldn't care less about the treatment they were giving the princess. after all, the vampires loathed humans and that was how everything was meant to be played.

vampires and humans were destined enemies, it was like the odds are against whoever broke the law. misfortune would be held upon those who decides to break the tradition.

 misfortune would be held upon those who decides to break the tradition

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this is building up to the climax 😏

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