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they landed in the shades , donghyuck crashed down on the the floor after landing the princess safely to the floor

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they landed in the shades , donghyuck crashed down on the the floor after landing the princess safely to the floor .

the side of his bat wings was ripped due to the contact with the sun which burned him , the pain he had to hold in whilst flying .

he crouched down , coughing violently as his skin sparked a bright yellow light before dimming back to its original colour .

"hyuck!" she rushed over to the prince whom laid on the concrete floor , holding onto his abdomen .

donghyuck was in so much pain his complexion is ashen. His natural golden skin has sunken in tone to something so lifeless it scares her just to look at him.

His eyes close and he sucks himself into a deeper place to cope. All she could do was stroke his back and hold his hand.

It barely seems enough, yet his heart rate comes down almost twenty beats per minute.

she often gazed up into his eyes that was squinted shut in pain , she could feel the pain and agony he was in and it breaks her knowing she was the one who made him the state he was in .

his fist clenched shut as he pummelled a hole into the ground , in hopes of inverting the pain to the ground .

as the pain lessened and the force of the light weakened , she gently caressed his forehead .

she gently helped him up on his legs , bringing him into his palace and back to his room hoping that the darkness in that place would help with the recovery .

she laid him on the bed as she picked out some ice water , dipping the towel into the cold water , sending shivers as she touched the cold liquid .

squeezing the towel as water fell back down into a pail , the gentle melody of the calming water soothed his mind yet it wasn't enough for the pain that lingered .

she put the cold towel on his body , gently brushing in against his skin . he soon sunk into the comforting cold that matched with his blood .

"i told you to stop getting into trouble , didn't i ?" donghyuck spoke in a tone of which held a hidden layer of care hidden behind a scolding tone.

"i'm sorry." she sighed , remembering the times she got in trouble .

wherever she goes , danger follows .

"but jaemin..." she looked down , with the approach of jaemin's name , donghyuck looked up at the one who was visibly disheartened .

"jaemin ?" donghyuck asked .

"he protected me... and got hit." her smile that was once so radiant , gloomed down in regret .

donghyuck's eyes went wide , he couldn't believe what he heard . the man whom loved to help people , helping donghyuck and yurim escape a crisis .

"where did he get hit ?" donghyuck questioned as though she was in an interrogation.

"the arm , calf then the head." she recalled the sorrowful scene she wished she never witnessed , in fact she wished she could've been the one that had to go through that .

"there's a chance of survival." donghyuck analysed her words , a hope sparked in her once loss-of-hope heart .

" donghyuck analysed her words , a hope sparked in her once loss-of-hope heart

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