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"mother." donghyuck entered the room he hadn't stepped foot into after a decade. it was so foreign to him, talking his mother was almost a thing of non-existence.

the room felt different yet it was the same old room, dark and cold just like the old days. donghyuck was always that mommy's boy until puberty hit him.

his hunger and greed made his mother disappointed in him. she was always a kind girl at heart, she never liked killing humans.

she was the peace setter between humans and vampires until her best friend, the human queen turned on her.

she betrayed the friendship they had, ruining everything. the humans were greedy and that's what the vampire queen hated.

"it's been a while, hasn't it?" she sat on her rocky-chair, the chair rocked in a calming melody, her back faced donghyuck.

staring at the picture frame she held onto, it was none other than a picture she took with her once best friend.

she missed her dearly, yet it couldn't have worked out for either sides. they were now enemies, nothing could change that.

Lee Hyo-mi was the ruler of the vampires, she hadn't left the castle in ages. she refused to speak to anyone, even finding it hard to communicate with her own husband.

she simply couldn't communicate with someone who had complete different thinking with her. their minds trailed off to different path and every conversation they had would always end up as an argument.

though she was a vampire, her kind nature was never-seen, she wasn't like any of her vampires. she hated the idea of sucking blood.

she'd only feed on the blood animals gave, that was the prevention of her thirst towards human blood. she simply couldn't lay a finger on a human.

she was always a delicate and gentle woman, she was always so kind hearted many would often take advantage of her.

despite all the betrayals and heart breaks she had faced, never did she once had vengeance in her heart. she learnt to forgive and forget.

how tired she was with the world, wishing the two could just leave in peace and harmony but greed blinded the two creatures.

she had always taught her son, lee donghyuck, to be a good boy and not wonder about near the humans to prevent him from attacking them.

however, he took the wrong route and learnt from his father. donghyuck had always been hunting humans down ruthlessly.

at one point, he was almost even more vicious compared to his father but his habits soon died down and stopped due to a special someone.

his mother didn't know that he changed, but he did. he certainly did. she still thought he was that rebellious kid a few years back.

"i need your help." donghyuck spoke in a low and quiet voice. he hated asking for help, he liked to be independent just to show his worth.

"i'm not going to help you with all your evil deeds! you disgust me, donghyuck." his mother spat out, not even sparing him a single glance.

"if this is going to be about that, you can leave-" before she could further extend her sentence, donghyuck slammed her sentence to an end with his thunderous defence.

"it's about someone i love!" he shouted out, wanting to shut her from her false accusations. she sat there still, unbelieving her ears.

 she sat there still, unbelieving her ears

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thoughts on hyuck's mom ? 🤷‍♀️

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