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"johnny, that's a nice name

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"johnny, that's a nice name." she nodded to herself as she scanned johnny up and down .

"you look pretty good to be some wizard too." she chuckled , pointing out his built body and his chiselled jawline .

deities were made to represent the perfect figure, therefore johnny had an ethereal appearance , his body was unachievable for any normal moral .

donghyuck held firmly onto her hands squeezing it tightly , "yah, stop scanning other boys." donghyuck glared at her .

feeling the uneasy feeling of jealousy wrapping around donghyuck , he didn't like how she was looking at johnny .

"alright alright, calm down." yurim laughed at her possessive boyfriend whom wouldn't let her breathe every time she'd make one simple contact with a male that isn't him . 

"woah woah not to break your bubble , but i'm no wizard ." johnny clarified , stroking his long white moustache.

"i'm just a wise man of many talents ." johnny continued , earning a scoff from donghyuck .

"don't be delusional ." donghyuck laughed , making fun of johnny whom claimed to be "just a wise man"

"okay okay , fine i'm the deity of elements ." johnny spoke , admitting finally to his actual role .

"how many deities are there ?" curiousity sparked in yurim as she pondered around the majestically and mysterious world of magic .

the never ending world that just unlocks itself with a sprinkle of patience and resistance .

"three , the deity of elements, the deity of hades and heavens . lastly , the deity of beasts ." johnny listed out the deities , his fellow friends of great power and authority .

"who are the other deities ?" yurim continued her bullets of questions , if questions were a gun , hers would be a machine gun .

"you'll have to find that out next time." johnny shot a sly smile and continued with his business .

"right , so why are we here again ?" donghyuck asked , remembering that they appeared without a choice .

johnny pondered around his room , taking out his books that held plenty of knowledge and information not meant for anyone to behold .

yurim scanned around the room wanting to find out more of this majestical place , only for donghyuck to block her sight with his face .

donghyuck winked at yurim . knowing he was just trying to flirt around she scoffed and turn the other way around making donghyuck frown in discontent.

"so , the two of you found each other , and as the relationship between you two progress , the power the two of you hold will also progress . use the power for good." johnny instructed , handing a ring to the two of them.

"woah woah am i getting married ?" yurim held up the ring made of only the finest gemstones . the top of the ring made out of grandidierite shaped like a moon and the sides made out of jeremejevite , one of the most expensive gems in the world .

"no no honey , it's just a ring for the two of you to have stronger bond ." johnny pointed out to the matching sun and moon ring they had , connecting the two rings together will form a complete shape .

"so are we soulmates ? because i'm sure we are." donghyuck caressed her chin , his seductive gaze on her only made her fall even deeper .

"oh shut up , hyuck." she chuckled , her enchanting chuckles showcased her dimples that he loved so dearly .

"technically yes , you are but not entirely ." johnny sighed , thinking about answers to his question .

"the two of you have a bond and the stronger it is the more you two will feel like soulmates , you can communicate through your minds only with the ring on." johnny clarified for the hundredth time , at this point even he was tired of his job as the deity .

"though you two can't feel physical pain dawned upon each other , you can emotionally ." johnny explained .

"oh that's great , so if this idiot dies , i don't ." yurim joked , blowing a kiss at donghyuck who was frowning and whining like a little baby pudu .

"baby, you know you can't live without me." donghyuck pulled yurim closer to his body , his seductive facial expression and honey-glazed skin had never been more attractive.

" donghyuck pulled yurim closer to his body , his seductive facial expression and honey-glazed skin had never been more attractive

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poor johnny had to third wheel. 😔

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