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okay but like hyuck is so hot—

okay but like hyuck is so hot—

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"who ?" yurim asked .

"yuta." donghyuck replied , yurim had never heard of that name before , unfamiliar with the name , she was even more confused .

"do you remember that vampire who launched himself towards you ? attempted to attack you , the one who was supposed to be executed." donghyuck brought back a memory of hers that she had forgotten .

that one night she roamed around the castle grounds , one vampire launched himself against her , not caring the fact that he was getting burnt by being in contact with the princes .

donghyuck saved her from him , that vampire was supposed to be executed for doing unlawful things . however , he managed to escape . he escaped penalty , he was known to have done many black magic . therefore , he was supposed to be executed.

he was still doing the same black magic he used to do , however the target of his was changed to the princess .

"i know where he's at." donghyuck stood up from the little bed , tucking in his black shirt as he changed into his black jeans .

"oh gosh , you're changing right here ?!" she covered her eyes upon seeing him slip his sweat pants off .

"it's not like i've never seen you naked before ." donghyuck chuckled , making yurim extremely flustered.

"what ?! you've seen me naked ?" yurim asked . a red hue forming on her cheeks as the sentence he spoke replayed in her mind .

"well , i'll be seeing it soon." donghyuck's lips crooked up into a sky smirk . his words made her think of thoughts that she wished she didn't think about .

"you pervert." yurim darted his glare towards him , pushing him out of the cave so she could change.

; +

she looked around , clinging onto donghyuck - the only thing she felt the comfort and security around .

the dark and dirty area , littered with rubbish of all kind - crumpled paper , empty cans . she hated every corner of it , how it smelt and how it looked .

the area was definitely not an ideal area to be in , but what more can she say ? she lived in a cave .

"where are we ?" she whispered , afraid someone that wasn't donghyuck could hear her .

"his hideout." donghyuck replied , instead of looking timid like yurim , he looked confident and laid-back .

"fancy seeing you here." a voice emerged from the dark , his face still in the shadows . the voice that was so familiar to the two of them .

the male chuckled , walking towards the two of them . his eyes of red , his mouth watering as he made eye contact with yurim .

"you brought the gem too." his sneaked his hand up to her chin but was soon pushed away by donghyuck .

"don't lay a fucking finger on her." donghyuck warned , pushing yurim behind him as he stood in front of her .

"woah puppy's mad ?" his voice of mock , the essence of making donghyuck's emotions a volcanic explosion.

"quit the bullshit talk , i know you've been casting some spells around here." donghyuck slammed his hand on the wall that was beside them , spiking the wall with his hands of fury.

"oh why yes i have ." he chuckled , raising his hand up pointing it at yurim before letting a green glow emit out of his finger - something of no good , something that was evil .

before yuta could do anything else , donghyuck launched himself on yuta , pushing his hand the other way .

"i'm not gonna let you hurt her again." donghyuck growled as he slammed yuta's hand , cracking the bone of his wrist .

" donghyuck growled as he slammed yuta's hand , cracking the bone of his wrist

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hey , so just to attack your hearts , here's a gif of lee donghyuck ;)

hey , so just to attack your hearts , here's a gif of lee donghyuck ;)

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vermilion ━ lee donghyuck Where stories live. Discover now