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"hey buddy

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"hey buddy." the familiar voice caught donghyuck's attention, the voice emerging from the darkness- from thin air which once stood not a single breathing being.

the figure became clearer as it approached donghyuck who was still crouched down holding onto the hand of his dead lover.

"i said you could count on me in times of doubt, didn't i ?" jaemin broke into a wide smile, his right hand that was behind his hand unveiled a familiar ring.

the ring with a moon carved into it, the grandidierite gem was dull and lifeless instead of sparkling and obnoxious like it usually was.

jaemin bent down onto his knees, slipping the ring onto her finger. the gem glowed brilliantly once again, the bright light emerged from the gem before it became so blinding it'd be a pain to watch.

her hand slipped out of his grip, her body gradually pushed its way up, floating for a quick second before her body gently got put back down on the ground.

her eyes twitched, her blood vessels started working, her mouth gasped for air before she sat up straight meeting the eyes of her lover- something she thought she'd never physically see again.

that ethereal feeling of seeing her alive and breathing still felt like a dream to him, his eyes were still red and dry from all the crying and groaning that happened in just a few moments back.

he prayed and begged the creator of death- the grim reaper, so hard to spare her, not to take her away from him.

she was dazed and confused at first too, she just felt the feeling of her soul leaving her body and going back in an incredible speed- a sickening feeling.

she felt like throwing up yet it felt good too, it was an indescribable feeling. a feeling not many- in fact not close to one had ever felt it, she was the first.

their rings beamed and shone brightly as though they were filled with pride, the gems never felt more alive on their fingers- it would jiggle and do a small dance of joy to celebrate the one in a billion occasion- if not, even rarer than that.

"hyuck." she was in a state of shock, so was he. they were speechless, at a loss of words. their bodies were shaking timidly, their eyes stood still uncertain of where to look at. he thought that was the last of her he would see but it turns out all to be a grasp of hope.

seconds pass, her brain taking him in, struggling to comprehend that he wasn't one of the last memories that's before her death, a memory that'd be locked away in the human body.

"y-you're..." he didn't want to waste more time letting words slip out of his mouth, he wanted to feel her, he wanted to feel her petite body in his embrace- the lively bond of the two. he wanted to hear that sweet sweet voice of hers that sounded so delightful.

his brain can't formulate a thought, at least not one based in any language, and if he don't touch her soon his atoms will tear themselves apart. he would soon start breaking into tears that was once settled on the edge of his eyes.

he almost jumped onto her, how the ground between them was erased, but one moment they are apart and the next they are morphed into a single being.

The warmth of his body meets her cold skin, giving her hope like he always did before the tragic war- one that took many precious lives.

One of his hands clasps around her lower back, the other strokes her hair- the touch of love she craved so much. With each soft touch more tears fall, tears neither of them would wipe away.

she looked up to see her best friend, at that point he wasn't even just a "best friend" anymore, he devoted his whole life into protecting her.

he saved her from plenty of tragic events, so tragic and sorrowful were those events. he saved her life more than once, he was indeed an angel in a wolf's costume.

yurim broke into a run, but this time it was easy, there was joy in every step and jaemin scooped her up into a bear-hug. In a few moments he let her down. she wanted to thank him but no words came out.

she owed him her life, she really did. he did so much to save her every time. only the days will speak of the truth. she was so appreciative of him, she could give him everything that she had.

she was still in a state of shock, she still couldn't believe that it wasn't the end of the road for her, she still couldn't believe that she could still physically touch her loved ones.

"please don't ever, ever do that again." donghyuck sneaked up from behind to press his lips on her ears, slightly tugging onto it as a habit.

"hyuck, i missed you. i thought i'd die." she chuckled, her dimples never looked cuter and more in place, in his eyes, she was the absolute representative of perfection- the way she giggled, the way she talked and the way she moved. nothing about her would he had wanted to change.

"you idiot. you really do like giving me heart attacks, don't you ?" he smiled, he smiled after many frowns and drowning cries. after a heavy storm, finally came the rainbow.

"i can do whatever i want to your heart, because it's mine." she pointed to his chest before placing a quick peck on his chest to indicate the spot of his heart making his heart skip a beat once again like she always did.

" she pointed to his chest before placing a quick peck on his chest to indicate the spot of his heart making his heart skip a beat once again like she always did

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y'all really thought i'd make them die :D bro- you must not know me enough ;)

okay but why is jaemin literally lowkey the main character if that makes sense HAHAHAH

let me spoil you a bit, there's one last chapter so buckle up, it's about to end babies.

now here's a gif of our baby bear 🐻

that's lowkey the smile he gave yurim- like just imagine 🥺 precious babies

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that's lowkey the smile he gave yurim- like just imagine 🥺 precious babies.

i'd feel so wrong to put him with any other characters other than yurim :(





i may be writing another hyuck's ff soon- maybe in a year's time if you're still gonna be around ;)

stay for the fun and love <3

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