» 19

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hey loves ! i've seen that some of you are curious as to why would yurim would be afraid of death if she has a bloodline that would burn vampires upon touch .

that's because the normal vampires could still bite yurim , which if the bite is harsh , she could die . but the vampire who bit her would also die along with her , since he'd burn after biting her .

and if you're wondering why the vampires would still want to bite her it's bcos that humans and vampires are basically enemies in this world , and so , they'd do anything to get rid of the human princess which is yurim.

besides , to the vampire king , having one of the normal vampire dying is not a big deal .

so she could still die , i hope this helped you and that my book isn't too confusing ! 💚

you may continue to ask questions and i'll try my best to explain it to you ! 💚

you may continue to ask questions and i'll try my best to explain it to you ! 💚

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Entering the room , all eyes laid on the princess .

Especially the prince's intimidating stare , she made eye contact with him for that one second before looking at something- anything other than his eyes .

"its a pleasure to finally have a dinner with you and your family , King Jeffrey." the other King in the room spoke .

"Of course , how have you been ?" the human king spoke , taking a seat as his family members followed .

the adults carrying into their own conversations , the kings speaking in their own conversation and the Queens also talking about their own topics .

the two opposite rulers spoke , they held hatred for each other yet they hid it well .

leaving the two younger ones quiet .

"you look beautiful , princess." The prince spoke , looking as charming as ever .

the truth ? she found him extremely attractive . the way he speaks , moves and everything drives her absolutely crazy .

but , she just couldn't like him . they were meant to be enemies .

"i- thank you ." still feeling afraid , she still wasn't stable in her vocabulary talking to him.

"aren't you curious how it'd be to be bitten ?" the prince said , fingers caressing her neck .

Jolting in surprise feeling his cold fingers against her warm skin , sending chills down her spine .

"i- you- please no-" her eyes shaking in fear , staring into his intimidating ones .

"Im kidding , i won't do it... yet" the side of his lips creaking up into a smirk , retracting his fingers from her neck .

Feeling as though rocks had left her shoulders feeling much better as to when he was in contact with her .

but the word 'yet' was still lingering in her mind .

"what does he mean by 'yet'?"

"I'll see you tonight ." his deep husky voice spoke .

"t-tonight ?" she was beyond confused , unknowing what he meant .

She shook off the thought and looked towards her parents .

" how do they look so calm ? they're literally talking to vampires . " she thought to herself .

Adjusting herself closer to her parents in order to listen to their conversation .

"Jeffrey , it's been a while , hasn't it ?"

" what does that mean ? " shaking her head , " never mind I should mind my own business , last time when I didn't do that , things went horrible ."

• flashback •

"our daughter's going to die , aren't you gonna care ?!" the sound of her father's loud whispers sounded through the door .

the little girl had her head against the door , listening to her parent's conversation .

"Jeffrey , I know ! i can't do anything about it !" her mother shouted back .

Tears brimmed the mother's eyes , threatening to fall out .

She opened the bedroom door , revealing the little girl . she stumbled as what she was leaning on was moved .

"Yurim ?!" her mother said in surprise , hoping she didn't hear what they were talking about , well at least not all of it .

"mommy , i- I'm sorry." the little girl apologized , looking down at the ground , fiddling her fingers out of habit .

The queen sighed , kneeling down to the little girl's height , patting her head comfortingly .

"its okay , it's late now , it's bedtime."

• end of flashback •

• end of flashback •

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