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"you wish it was a strip club

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"you wish it was a strip club." donghyuck chuckled throwing his belt to the ground making a loud thud .

"bold of you to assume." yurim spoke in a low voice as though she was the one in control .

"i was taking my belt off because it was uncomfortable, unless you want something else ." his voice trailed off to his dirty intentions , the tips of his fingers trailing her tight dress .

"you pervert."

"says who ?" his eyebrow crooked up as the side of his lips curved up into a devilish smirk .

his arm surrounded her waist , swaying slightly as he pressed a kiss to her nose .

he tucked a piece of her hair behind her ears as the two stared at each other , holding eye contact for a little longer than a few seconds .

the intimacy growing between the two as they drew closer to each other .

the warmth emitting from their skin , the increased amount of skin ship the two were having .

it felt as though they were in a romance novel with the two of them as the main characters whom fell head over heels for each other .

their altruism bringing their liking .

"aren't you an absolute hottie ?" donghyuck's voice trailing deeper than before , his dark gaze positioned on hers .

"we've been knew ." she exclaimed as she oozed with confidence feeling like she was at the peak of the mountain .

"feeling confident huh ?" donghyuck chuckled as he pulled the princess close to him , sniffing the crook of her neck .

the familiar rose scent of hers that he loved , his favourite aroma .

he nibbled and sucked on the skin , making her feel all sorts of feelings .

as much as she enjoyed the joy and fun of his movements , she couldn't let him carry it out .

using her palm , she pressed her strength on his chest , pushing him away from her .

"what's wrong , princess?" donghyuck asked , feeling small pierce on his heart feeling dejected .

"hyuck , we shouldn't be doing this ." she spoke , realising the reality , the truth .

"what do you mean , baby ?" his inner lustful self sneaked his hand on the side of her face , cupping her cheeks as he leaned in .

their hearts heavy yet they had their own cravings . the endearment feeling building up between the two .

he striked once again , attempting to attack her neck with love bites . yet she pushed him away , not giving him the satisfactory he had yearned for .

"hyuck , we can't..." her voice trailed lower and quieter every second due to the intense stare she had to handle .

donghyuck piercing his gaze into her , he didn't care about the unlawful acts he was going to carry out .

"i'm stepping on the borders and never looking back."


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