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"tell me where is she!" donghyuck threatened, pulling the guard by his collar

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"tell me where is she!" donghyuck threatened, pulling the guard by his collar. tightening his grip every passing second until he eventually chokes him.

the guard coughed and coughed, begging for the prince's mercy. "i-i don't know!" the guard cried out, begging for donghyuck to stop.

blinded by anger and desperation, he couldn't care less about the well-being of the guards that lingered in the castle grounds.

donghyuck clenched his fist, pummelling it straight in the guard's face, hitting his chin causing his jaw to break and his head to be tilted to the side. groaning in pain as he fell to the ground.

donghyuck walked over to the next guard, interrogating every one of the guards knowing they knew what the king was hiding.

if he didn't get anything from the guards, he'd crush them into ashes, ensuring them of their death making sure they suffered before meeting death.

"i'm sorry! please!" the guard cried out as he lined up as one of the guards donghyuck slaughtered .

at this point, the whole hallway was littered with the dead bodies of the guards. donghyuck broke the vampire guard's neck into half with one simple punch.

magic wasn't needed, the physical strength he had was enough to simply make one beg and perish. the anger played a big part of his sudden boost in strength.

his desperation to find his lover was blinding his eyes, he couldn't feel anything she was feeling nor thinking about since he couldn't reach her through the ring.

he tried whatever method he could, since her ring was off her finger, he couldn't communicate with her. therefore, he had zero lead to her whereabouts.

"one of you morons better tell me where she is! or all of you will be dead before you know it." donghyuck cussed out at them, flinging fire balls all around the room.

it was a miracle the palace didn't get set on fire, with the flames he shot out, bouncing off the walls and burning the skin of those he aimed.

donghyuck hissed as he came close to losing his mind, being physically apart from his lover took a huge part of his sanity. he felt lost, hurt and broken. days felt like years without her.

he couldn't speak or act properly, he wasn't acting normally anymore. he didn't care about the disaster he was making, the amount of trouble he caused.

the amount of lives he took.

"s-she's at the dungeon!" one of the last guard in line managed to spit out after struggling with donghyuck's grip in his neck.

donghyuck threw the guard on the ground, scoffing before stepping onto the dead bodies of the ones he killed.

he headed to the dungeon, wasting no time, he reached. however, there was a huge obstacle, he didn't know how to enter it.

it was protected with the max protection, it was hidden and needed a passcode to enter. only the king's fingerprint could enter.

"i'll cut off his fingers if i have to." donghyuck looked at the enormous door that shadowed him.

why do i find this donghyuck so attractive ? 😳

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why do i find this donghyuck so attractive ? 😳

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