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"woah , you've become more aggressive , huh ?" despite being in a vulnerable state , yuta spat out what he wanted to say

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"woah , you've become more aggressive , huh ?" despite being in a vulnerable state , yuta spat out what he wanted to say . his valorous nature blinded him of when to stop .

"is it because of your little girlfriend ?" yuta chuckled , feeling light headed , his drowsy behaviour was easily seen.

donghyuck secured his hand around yuta's neck , squeezing it ever so tightly . yuta struggles to breath properly , the breathing tube being squished up by donghyuck's firm grip .

"h-hyuck , let him down." yurim held onto donghyuck's arm - red veins popped up . his eyes of vermillion , blinded by the sight of violence and death.

"please..." yurim tugged onto donghyuck's hand in order to make him release yuta but he stood still .

the only thing that was visible to donghyuck was his goal - destroying yuta to the ashes .

yuta coughed violently , continuously hitting the hand that was around his neck , gasping desperately for as much amount of air he could take in .

feeling suffocated, he starts to lose his senses . feeling his soul slowly drive its way out of his body , his mind blank , his eyelids soon shut down .

yuta dropped down to the floor , a loud thud . yurim witnessed something she thought she'd never see , something she hated seeing . she hated just the very thought of death and violence.

"hyuck...you killed him.." she backed up from the dead body , gripping onto the wall before losing her balance .

she crouched down onto the floor , staring at the sight in horror , red blood dropped from his fingertips.

her eyes shook , shaking her head vigorously, not wanting to believe what she just witnessed , hoping it was all just a nightmare and nothing more .

donghyuck's gaze soften upon seeing her state , slowly approaching her yet she only seemed even more frightened with every step he took .

"baby..." he called out , though he wasn't going to hurt her , all she could see and think of was the devilish look he had before murdering yuta .

"baby please" he gently gripped onto her wrist , she couldn't focus on him , she could make out what she was seeing .

all she could see was a black blurry figure approaching her , she shut her eyes after feeling the loss of her senses .

yurim suddenly took on a pale look, as if she'd been painted with white-wash - even her lips were barely there. then with one step backwards she crumpled like a puppet suddenly released of their strings.

collapsing onto the ground , all she could see was darkness , losing all her senses .

"yurim!" he caught her in his arms , caressing her head . donghyuck carried her bridal style out of the area to find some sort of shelter .

she had collapsed due to the amount of shock she was in , she wasn't the type which had a fearless spirit .

she couldn't stand the sight of blood , she hated seeing the red liquid flow out of beings , she hated the metallic scent of the liquid .

she couldn't stand the sight of blood , she hated seeing the red liquid flow out of beings , she hated the metallic scent of the liquid

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don't worry , hyuck loves yuta ;)

vermilion ━ lee donghyuck Where stories live. Discover now