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the once peaceful room turned into a battlefield filled with violence

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the once peaceful room turned into a battlefield filled with violence .

the two merciless creatures faced off with a fight , dangerous magic thrown all over the room .

the king wanted the princess though had to face a huge obstacle which was none other than his own son - he wanted to protect her .

the princess however was in panic herself , not knowing of what to do .

what many didn't know was that yurim had to suffer with panic attacked due to her anxiety .

the first signs of the panic arrived . It's a discomfort in her chest, a feeling in her brain like a pin stuck to it ... then it sets in deeper.

a loud buzz in her head as the sound around her drowns our . she cupped her ears , crouching down .

she felt the urge to run, escape, hide. It is no different than when she was a child fearing the society , the creatures that was out to get her .

feeling a clogging on her lungs as she gasped for air that seemed like it didn't exist . she was hyperventilating.

donghyuck who was in the midst of a fight noticed her state , using what he had learnt before and created a shield that'd stop the attacks .

rushing towards her , he soothingly ran his cold fingers down her nape , massaging it slightly as he whispered sweet nothings .

"shh baby its okay." he reassured, pressing a soft kiss on her eyelids .

giving her the personal attention she craved for , his calming tone and aroma brought her into a state of ease .

after making sure she was back to her original state , he continued the fight . the shield that was once there was broken down .

a fire ball stricked at a speed of light, rushing towards the vulnerable princess .

the prince shielded the attack , protecting the princess which all he had .

; +

the fight ended with both the opponents badly hurt , the king headed back to his replenishing room .

the two's father and son relationship at the worst of its state , they loathed each other.

the two agreed to continue the fight some other time as the two were in obvious weak state .

"why'd you do that , hyuck ?!" yurim scolded , dabbing the cotton bud on his wound .

he winced but smiled , the pain and agony that headed towards him was worth it in his love-stricken eyes .

"because it's you ." he answered , his short yet sweet answer brought a euphoric smile to her face .

" he answered , his short yet sweet answer brought a euphoric smile to her face

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aw hyuck you're so sweet

okayy so well my clumsy ass hurt my finger and i have to type out with one hand and thus the updates will be slightly delayed :"

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