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"if it makes you feel better, you can follow me

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"if it makes you feel better, you can follow me." jaemin sighed knowing jeno wouldn't allow him to step foot into such a dangerous place by himself.

jeno nodded, agreeing to jaemin's terms and conditions. it was what he had to make do, if not he would have to let him explore the place by himself with was a huge hazard sign in his book.

if the alpha of a wolf pack is gone it'd be almost like the end of the whole pack, when the head and leader is gone, they'd be like headless chickens with no clue which path and route to step foot into.

they could also just simply make the beta the alpha which was also one of the biggest reason why many team kills happened, some betas would betray and turn back on their alpha just to get that title.

even so, jeno could never betray the one whom took such great care of him, one who had such a huge heart for any and everyone yet he was at the same time such a good alpha who knew the balance between his murderous tendencies and his merciful mind.

he guided the pack so well it's be a shame for him to be gone. consequently, they promised each other to take good care of the alpha in order to keep the solidarity and friendship of the pack.

; +

the guards surrounded the area, protecting the entrance like it was some sort of expensive art gallery. the marble pillar and wooden planks plated on the floor made the whole building look so grand and victorian.

the two wolves hid in opposite sides of the building ready to ambush and attack, they were in their hiding position- crouching low and quiet.

jaemin signalled jeno with a high pitched growl before leaping forwards and pinning the guards down.

laying painful stretches on their body as the guards screamed for help, attracting the attention of the nearby guards.

the blood flowed out of their body like it was a stream of water from a water fall, in no time the guards would die from blood loss.

"get ready for a huge wave of guards baby." jaemin warned jeno, this would be the biggest fight jeno had to go through.

jaemin and jeno's pack was infamous for their strength and jeno played a huge part of it, if the alpha was selected according to strength, jeno could most probably have been selected.

however, the position of an alpha was selected with all the following traits considered beforehand wise, strength one had, quick-wittedness and confidence.

jaemin had it all, he was charismatic with his confidence. quick-witted and wise, always thinking of the best routes and best plans no one could've thought of, that made him outsmart plenty of enemies.

his strength was similar and close to jeno's, slightly lacking though due to his wise mind and decisions, that'd make him stronger than jeno since he could think of which move to take and where to aim.

"i've always wanted to do this with you." jeno pulled up a quick smirk before getting his claw ready, he had always wanted to fight with the one who he looked up to- jaemin.

jeno had always been looking up to jaemin, learning from jaemin with every technique and step he took, jeno would follow.

he was never trusted enough to be fighting with jaemin since he might make a wrong move and ruin the whole fight.

for that reason, it was an honour to be fighting alongside the alpha. seeing how everything was carrying out so closely was nothing but his dream.

"enjoy it while it lasts." jaemin's eyes sent a small sparkle towards jeno, his right eyelid closed as his other eye remained opened giving jeno a wink.

" jaemin's eyes sent a small sparkle towards jeno, his right eyelid closed as his other eye remained opened giving jeno a wink

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wink ;)

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