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his hug was stronger than anything she had ever known, as if holding her wasn't quite enough, he had to feel every ounce that she was pressed into every ounce that is him

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his hug was stronger than anything she had ever known, as if holding her wasn't quite enough, he had to feel every ounce that she was pressed into every ounce that is him.

in that moment of feeling him so close she was awoken somehow, more alive than she had been in so very long. For there are times she was as a butterfly who yearns for the cocoon, to be safe within walls, protected.

That's what she felt . It helps. So if it would be okay, if it's what he wanted too, wrap those arms around her every chance the universe is kind enough to bring. For in this world, this is their gold, their food and pure rain.

yet she wasn't feeling that feeling now , instead , she felt threatened and the urge of just pushing him away was lingering so much .

however , she couldn't bring herself to do it , she didn't want to push him away .

but it had to be done , placing her hands on his chest and gave him a gentle push away from her .

"i'm sorry." she spoke softly , running away from the scene - running away from what she feared , what she once loved .

she was unsure what was happening to her , why was she scared all of the sudden .

then a breakup reappeared in her mind , "was it too early ? we didn't know love yet." she questioned herself .

maybe yurim was right , maybe the two just weren't meant to be , maybe it was all too early and they just rushed everything .

she sat alone in her bedroom , the isolation and pain drowning her , feeling sorrowful in the hours of night . the time which many are sound asleep and beasts lingered .

she didn't know why she was afraid of him , she didn't know why she didn't love him anymore . she did , she really did love him .

she loved him with all that she is , yet something happened , she didn't know what . it felt as though she was put under a spell , a spell of break up .

she felt apologetic, she wanted to apologise . she didn't know how to even meet him face-to-face anymore .

knowing there was nothing to do but to just fall asleep , sleep was a solution for anything be it a heartbreak , a troublesome doubt and more .

with a heavy heart , closing her eyes as she slowly drifted into slumber hoping and wishing she wouldn't have another nightmare .

but her life currently was truthfully more of a nightmare compared to a nightmare itself .

but her life currently was truthfully more of a nightmare compared to a nightmare itself

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honestly what's happening , what happened ? 🤷‍♀️

vermilion ━ lee donghyuck Where stories live. Discover now