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"baby, respond to me!" donghyuck gripped onto her, shaking her slightly whilst his hands trembled afraid of the situation and possibilities

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"baby, respond to me!" donghyuck gripped onto her, shaking her slightly whilst his hands trembled afraid of the situation and possibilities.

"please listen to my voice..." donghyuck looked at her closed eyes waiting for a twitch to signal her awareness of her surroundings.

his fingers crossed her eyes down to her cheeks, rubbing the skin gently in circular motions.

he let the power emit from his hands, the green trail of light circled around her body before it travels into her skin.

her body lights up slightly before she started to gain back her consciousness, the spell that he casted helped her come back to her consciousness.

the magic managed to bring someone's soul back to the body, it was something magical indeed. being a healer wasn't as bad of an idea as he thought it'd be.

his magic saved his lover.

"hyuck." it's been such a long time ever since she could feel the warmth of his arms, it felt like the best feeling she'd ever felt.

she was feeling like a goner, someone who had no hope to grasp onto or someone who has no lead in life- lost and helpless.

just by having his stare on her made her feel so much more comforted. the days of torturing was horrible not only due to the pain that was dawned upon her but instead being apart from her lover.

"i missed you." she smiled, it was a smile that has been through a ton of shit. nevertheless, she was glad she could see him up close.

donghyuck couldn't help himself, he couldn't restrain himself anymore. grabbing onto her neck with all the passion that was locked away, pushing himself onto her before planting his lips on hers.

the sweet taste of her lips on his was immaculate. he could taste the bit of blood in her mouth in due to her beatings and that only triggered his vampire senses.

he tried to hold himself back but he was so hungry for her, he could eat the whole of her. he bit onto her lips hungrily before hearing a whimper from her.

catching him off guard, she flipped him around with her fingers on his chest. she was having the time of her life being on top of him.

however, good moments don't last, do they ? the king was beyond mad with jaemin, he ruined the perfect little plan of his.

how could a werewolf ruin his plan just with a simple move, that was because jaemin wasn't any regular wolf. he was an alpha, the one with much experience.

"you jerk." the king flung his hand towards jaemin, throwing some magic spell that'd cause harm to him yet jaemin dodged it with his enhanced senses.

"beat that, sucker !" jaemin chuckled, since the couple was making out on the floor, he looked around to find his fellow wolves but they were no where to be seen, he soon realised he didn't have anyone to celebrate with.

in due to that, he simply fist bumped his other hand. jumping up in joy, he could be a scary man but also a huge baby too.

while jaemin was enjoying his lonesome party, the king took the opportunity to attack again, grabbing jaemin by the neck.

his hand burnt the layer of skin on jaemin's neck, however werewolves were pretty strong and had a high pain resistance level yet it still wasn't enough to stop jaemin from feeling pain.

"hey you two!! i know it's nice to make out but help me out !" jaemin was slowly getting dragged away by the king, he started whimpering as his tail cuddled up his body to display his inner feelings of fear.

"hey you two!! i know it's nice to make out but help me out !" jaemin was slowly getting dragged away by the king, he started whimpering as his tail cuddled up his body to display his inner feelings of fear

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why is it always jaemin who gets beaten up ? 🥴

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