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The butler's biggest fear had happened- losing the girl in the crowd

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The butler's biggest fear had happened- losing the girl in the crowd . He was frantically looking for her .

Sweat crowding and dripping down his forehead , hurriedly walking around , calling out for her name .

The ball room was huge indeed , if you're lost , you're lost . It is what it is .

He felt like he had failed his job in taking care of her , that was the only instruction the king had given him before the ball .

Yet , he couldn't even take good care of her .

The princess was walking around the ball room admiring every bit of it , from the big objects to little details .

the majestic looking statue of her parents that rose above all .

She let her guard down . Therefore , bumping into a figure .

The girl bounced to the ground from the impact , rubbing her head gently at the spot which hit the person's chest .

She looked up.

His black suit , dark red orbs , familiar fangs , staring down at her with a amusing smirk as his eyes flashed bloody red .

"That must have hurt."

"May I have this dance , princess ?" He raised his hand towards her , the princess hesitantly held it , helping her stand up from the ground .

She now stood right in front of the creature she feared deeply .

His eyes piercing into her innocent beady ones .

Two contradicting aura bouncing off both of them , one of which , dark and lustful . The other , light and innocent .

"I-i d-dance ? you n-no " she spoke in broken Korean , letting the vampire laugh in amusement .

He thought that she was adorable , and that ... how sweet her blood would taste .

"forgot how to speak princess ?" He asked devilishly , raising one eyebrow , of which had slits and several piercings , the piercings sparkling under the light.

She was beside herself with fear , she was panick strikened , suddenly forgetting her vocabulary- forgetting how to speak .

She couldn't speak.. she was in too much of a shock , the only thing she felt was shock .

"It's okay , take it slowly , I'll wait ,
. anything for you ." He said in a deep and husky voice , in a seductive tone . winking at the princess .

She felt extremely ill at ease . She didn't know what to do nor say . She didn't trust her mouth , not wanting it to say some weird jittery words.

The vampire loved seeing her in this state , the state of fear , the state of panick .

She was his new amusement park .

She was his new amusement park

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