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donghyuck pulled the princess closer to him , licking the tip of her ear

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donghyuck pulled the princess closer to him , licking the tip of her ear . the action sent a tingly sensation down her body , she shivered to the feeling .

"yah hyuck !" she scolded once again , earning a chuckle from the prince .

he loved teasing her , he loved her reaction every time. she was amusing to him .

"aren't you supposed to go feed on people ? it's almost the feeding hour ." she questioned , donghyuck's arm rested around her waist .

"nah baby you'll keep me fed ." donghyuck whispered , his husky voice lingered .

"oh hell no , i'm kicking you out." the princess joked , in attempts of kicking the prince off the bed yet to no avail .

donghyuck stayed still , not budging.

"i don't wanna die today." she whined , furthering herself from the prince yet he moved even closer to her .

"i don't want you to die either , princess." his eyebrow crooked up , his fingers trailing her jawline .

"i mean weren't you all about sucking my blood and all those shit a while ago?" she asked , pushing donghyuck away as he attempted to near her .

"well , now i'm pretty damn sure i wanna keep you for myself ." he pushed a kiss on her neck , "you entertain me."

"you're weird , hyuck." she laughed , as she shifted herself away from donghyuck for the hundredth time , that boy really doesn't know how to keep his distance .

"stop moving." he commanded , she could've swore his voice got ten times deeper as he spoke . it sounded like the demon inside him spoke .

she froze to his sudden tone change and laid still , he hovered over her . winking before licking his lips in a seductive manner .

her eyes widened , not gonna lie , she found him extremely hot . his black button on shirt had four buttons unbuttoned.

therefore , his chest was showing and that was beyond hot with his hairdo .

he was almost glowing , his honey coloured skin attracted her greatly . he was the portray of a perfect men .

she gulped down the clump in her throat as she stared at his perfectly symmetrical features , lined up by his hair jawlines and veins .

she observed every little detail and feature of his , like how he had a slit on his eyebrow and little moles all over his face down to his neck .

"baby , you look stunning ." he complimented, as he observed her features .

"so do you mr. vampire ." she spoke back , the two shot flirtatious remarks back at each other whilst being in a heated position.

the two was gifted with perfect-liked features that sparked like diamonds . their aura giving off the same vibe .

"its a shame you're not mine." his husky voice spoke .

hyuck is a portray of a perfect men 😌 i mean where's the lie ?

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hyuck is a portray of a perfect men 😌 i mean where's the lie ?

vermilion ━ lee donghyuck Where stories live. Discover now