• 25

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the door creaked open , she peaked into the dark room , she couldn't see anything but a few candles that provided light

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the door creaked open , she peaked into the dark room , she couldn't see anything but a few candles that provided light .

Never had she missed the sight of sunlight that much before .

the wallpapers and flooring was a black and dark red colour , the wallpaper patterned fanciful flowers , giving off the feeling of riches .

an antique chandelier hung from the ceiling , the candles stood on the little stands .

"what a surprise seeing you here , you're the first human to enter my room , you know ?" donghyuck who was meditating on top of his coffin walked towards the human .

A devilish smirk tugged on his lips , wrapping his arms around the princess's waist , pulling her to him .

She was surprised at the sudden movement , she was now just a few inches away from him .

Her cheeks burned up , never once was she this physically close to a boy before . Well , the last time was when she was having a break down and jaemin offered her a hug which she needed deeply .

"so are you here to let me feed on ?" he brought his lips towards her neck , her neck that was scented with the rose perfume she used earlier .

Pressing a moist kiss on her neck , she shut her eyes at the feeling .

"you must taste sweet , baby." he said in a seductive tone , his gaze turning lustful .

she gulped , staring up at the vampire that had full control of the situation .

"i-i came here to ask you something donghyuck."she backed away from the vampire , so that she was out of his grip .

"it's haechan." he spoke calmly , contradicting his thoughts , that name reminded him of his father . The evil things his father had done .

"i like donghyuck better." she said , for the first time not stuttering .

"i wonder why ." he stated , letting out an amusing laugh.

"it sounds hotter." her gaze changed to one she never had , it was a darker expression with much confidence . It wasn't that scared vulnerable ones anymore . Her speech displayed confidence and control .

"getting a little confident now , aren't we ? don't forget , I'm always a top , princess ." he spoke , her mind wondering to what he meant , widening as she understood .

"being in bed with a vampire is really a lot of fun , wanna try hm ? i bet you've never tried it before . may I be the first ?" his lustful laughter echoed through her ears .

 may I be the first ?" his lustful laughter echoed through her ears

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this whole chapter is just— 🥵❤️

vermilion ━ lee donghyuck Where stories live. Discover now